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Cleansing with lymphatic drainage

New Year- New You!
Treat Yourself with Lymphatic Drainage Massage
By: Angela Arnold

The lymphatic system is a series of vessels that come to meet into a small knot referred to as the node. These vessels and nodes are all over your body and serve to keep infections and diseases at bay as well as reduce healing time and swelling.

Everyone has heard of the lymph node, but it is important to
understand what they do and why they need to be drained. In a word, right along with the kidneys and liver, your lymph nodes help to rid your body of the trash in your system.

And when the trash can is full, it stops working properly. Time to take out the trash!
The node is an intricate network of vessels that fill up with fluid. Most of these nodes are just under the skin and can be self-drained with some light massage techniques.

However, if you are wanting to start the New Year with a new body, you may also consider scheduling a massage to treat yourself. Be sure to ask specifically for a Lymph Node Drainage Massage also referred to as a Lymphatic Massage

. Some Physical Therapy practices offer this service and after having previously been a Masseuse and having worked in Physical Therapy, I would advocate for seeing a professional Lymphatic Drainage Therapist for a consultation. However, it is not completely necessary- but great this time of year to combat the cold and flu!

If you really want to treat yourself, you will love Lymphatic Drainage facials. Contact your local spa as any professional Esthetician will provide this service. One of my favorite resources that gives a generous amount of detail on the lymphatic system and why draining is so important is:

Lymphatic Drainage Benefits include:
o Increase of lymph fluid flow boosting immunity functions
o Increase in energy and vitality
o Faster healing for sport and non-sport related injuries
o Reduces scars and effects of leathering from burns
o Reduces inflammation in the face leaving you looking awake and vibrant. Also reduces puffy bags under the eye.
o Inspires tissue regeneration which can greatly reduce the effects of Edema and Lymphedema
o Can greatly limit or end dizziness and vertigo.

Self-Care Draining your lymph nodes should be done with a light touch. It is not a deep massage which can only further to reduce flow if too much pressure is applied. Always begin your self-care in the Supraclavicular area which is right around your collar bone. Then you will move to the axillary (head) area and then down to your elbows.

For demonstration I really prefer video presentations. For example, Self-Lymph
Drainage @www.massagebyheather.com; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA-wi0d7-Ro. This is an excellent place to begin your self-care.

Another great resource which covers the entire body and further explains the importance of where to begin on the body is, https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-

If you have any major heart conditions, malignant tumors or Thrombosis, please consult your Physician before you begin the process. Though there are few conditions drainage affect, these three can cause other dangerous issues.

If you have had lymph nodes removed as a result of cancer in the breast area and are experiencing swelling (Edema) please also consult your Physician and be sure to ask if you can preform self-care. In some cases, you may be referred to your Physical Therapist instead. If you really want to start the year with a new body- start with the inside and work your way out. Your body will thank you and run more efficiently!

Power punch for your health

Power punch for your healthpower punch for your health

Would you like a power punch for your health this cold and flu season? Sometimes your best defense is building a strong immune system. Granted, there is no fool proof way to be sure you will not catch any colds or flu, but you can lessen the chance and shorten the duration by strengthening your immune system.

One of the first and most obvious ways to give your body a power punch for your health is to eat plenty of clean foods. Cruciferous vegetables such as Kale, cabbage, and broccoli support the liver and immunity by boosting the livers ability to flush out toxins.

Mushrooms such as enoki, shitake, oyster are Japanese mushrooms loaded with a powerful antioxidant that does not get destroyed when cooking. Add some of these mushrooms to your hot cooked meals and soups.

Ginger warms the body and helps break down the accumulation of toxins in organs particularly the lungs and sinuses. Avocados are great for adrenal function. They contain essential amino acids and antioxidants. Avocados also have healthy fats and help balance hormones. So great news for all you guacamole lovers!

Black currants contain 5 times more vitamin c than an orange making them a great power punch for your health. Sage extract also works as an expectorant. It helps to move mucus out of the body. Try using a drop of sage extract with hot tea or make your own with hot water.

Graviola is a natural immune system booster that has been used to kill parasites, reduce fevers,and help treat colds and the flu. Graviola appears to contain natural compounds that have some anti- tumor properties.

A  great whole food supplement is an easy way to get more of the essential vitamins and minerals we need to give our body a power punch for health. With holiday parties it is sometimes a little more challenging to eat clean and to avoid all the sugar that breaks down the immune system.

Exercise is a great way to give your body an extra boost. With endless benefits exercise also helps you release stress which wreaks havoc on immune function. Prayer, deep breathing, and giving thanks helps me release the stress. We all have stress we just have to not let it have us.

Get a good night rest. Our body repairs during sleep and sleep is crucial for healthy  immune function. Do your body good and sleep like a baby. If you have a hard time with sleep try cammomile tea or melatonin.

Get a good belly laugh. The bible is full of wisdom from God on how to live a healthier and happier life when applied to our lives. Proverbs 17:22 tells us “ A merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones”. Scientific studies have proven this to be truth!.

If you have any thing to add that has helped you during cold and flu season be sure to comment and share below. To your health,

Jenay Green

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