Cleansing with lymphatic drainage

New Year- New You!
Treat Yourself with Lymphatic Drainage Massage
By: Angela Arnold

The lymphatic system is a series of vessels that come to meet into a small knot referred to as the node. These vessels and nodes are all over your body and serve to keep infections and diseases at bay as well as reduce healing time and swelling.

Everyone has heard of the lymph node, but it is important to
understand what they do and why they need to be drained. In a word, right along with the kidneys and liver, your lymph nodes help to rid your body of the trash in your system.

And when the trash can is full, it stops working properly. Time to take out the trash!
The node is an intricate network of vessels that fill up with fluid. Most of these nodes are just under the skin and can be self-drained with some light massage techniques.

However, if you are wanting to start the New Year with a new body, you may also consider scheduling a massage to treat yourself. Be sure to ask specifically for a Lymph Node Drainage Massage also referred to as a Lymphatic Massage

. Some Physical Therapy practices offer this service and after having previously been a Masseuse and having worked in Physical Therapy, I would advocate for seeing a professional Lymphatic Drainage Therapist for a consultation. However, it is not completely necessary- but great this time of year to combat the cold and flu!

If you really want to treat yourself, you will love Lymphatic Drainage facials. Contact your local spa as any professional Esthetician will provide this service. One of my favorite resources that gives a generous amount of detail on the lymphatic system and why draining is so important is:
Lymphatic Drainage Benefits include:
o Increase of lymph fluid flow boosting immunity functions
o Increase in energy and vitality
o Faster healing for sport and non-sport related injuries
o Reduces scars and effects of leathering from burns
o Reduces inflammation in the face leaving you looking awake and vibrant. Also reduces puffy bags under the eye.
o Inspires tissue regeneration which can greatly reduce the effects of Edema and Lymphedema
o Can greatly limit or end dizziness and vertigo.

Self-Care Draining your lymph nodes should be done with a light touch. It is not a deep massage which can only further to reduce flow if too much pressure is applied. Always begin your self-care in the Supraclavicular area which is right around your collar bone. Then you will move to the axillary (head) area and then down to your elbows.

For demonstration I really prefer video presentations. For example, Self-Lymph
Drainage; This is an excellent place to begin your self-care.

Another great resource which covers the entire body and further explains the importance of where to begin on the body is,

If you have any major heart conditions, malignant tumors or Thrombosis, please consult your Physician before you begin the process. Though there are few conditions drainage affect, these three can cause other dangerous issues.

If you have had lymph nodes removed as a result of cancer in the breast area and are experiencing swelling (Edema) please also consult your Physician and be sure to ask if you can preform self-care. In some cases, you may be referred to your Physical Therapist instead. If you really want to start the year with a new body- start with the inside and work your way out. Your body will thank you and run more efficiently!

Benefits of Bentonite Clay

 Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Have you heard the term “God made dirt, dirt won’t hurt”? Well in the case of Bentonite clay, not only will it not hurt, but it seems to offersan array of health benefits!

Bentonite Clay is a healing Clay that can assist the body in internal detoxification. If you have been looking for a way to rid your body of the many toxins we are exposed to daily, then Bentonite Clay could be your answer.

According to a study done by clay has been successful at absorbing the Rotavirus. It is also been helpful in eliminating digestive issues such as IBS, constipation, and vomiting. It is even safe to use for your pets.

There are many foods that contain contaminates and the clay draws these out of the body, therefore increasing your immune function. Bentonite Clay contains an abundance of minerals that are very important in maintaining good health.

Bentonite Clay can be useful for skin conditions such as Psoriasis, Dermatitis, and Eczema. Mix with water and let dry on the skin. They have been using this age old beauty secret at spas for years!

You can add the clay to your bath as well to draw out toxins and will leave your skin feeling smooth, hydrated and less inflamed.

Another one of the many health benefits of Bentonite Clay is its ability to get oxygen to your cells. Since oxygen is the first thing we would die without, then I think it is pretty important to have an oxygen rich body. I talk more about this in my book“A Battle Plan For Cancer”.

Another thing you may have heard a lot lately is how acidic our bodies can become with the Standard American Diet(which spells SAD). Bentonite clay has an abundance of alkalizing minerals and can help bring our bodies pH into a more optimal range.

Bentonites Clay helps to remove toxins and a promotes good bacteria in the gut.

Bentonite Clay can also be used to make toothpaste.  It binds to the harmful toxins in our mouth and allows us to spit them out before swallowing them. You can also just rinse your mouth out with the clay and water as well for oral health benefits.

For those looking for alternative products for your babies, the clay can be used as a baby powder!

A study form Arizona State University found it effective in killing MRSA. Bentonite Clay has been used effectively for years and still offers many healing health benefits for us today.

Here is a brand that can be used internally and externally that is a good price on Amazon. What are your favorite uses of Bentonite Clay or which use are you most excited to try?

To Your Health,

Jenay Green

sources: U.S. library of medicine national institute of health

Photo: Bentonite Hills volcanic clay, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah. Via: Geir Olav Lyngfjell | Shutterstock.


Do You Have A Toxic Liver?

Do You Have A Toxic Liver?liver

Most of us take better care of our cars than we do our bodies. We change the oil in our vehicles on a regular basis unless we want our cars to tear up, right?

Most of us don’t think twice about neglecting our bodies filter(our liver) for an entire lifetime. This makes no sense because cars can be replaced, but we only get one body!

Your liver is designed to detoxify and cleanse itself ,but the liver can easily be over burdened and kept from performing its procedures with the toxic environment and our lifestyle choices.

A toxic liver can lead to all kinds of health problems including cancer. A person with a congested liver is usually a highly allergic person and eventually can become allergic to almost everything.

If the liver is not filtering properly then molecules end up in the bloodstream that should not be there. Slowly but surely your body will end up reacting to everything.

If you have a toxic liver then you may have digestive problems, gallbladder problems,increased cholesterol and more.

As the blood becomes thick with fat, vessels become clogged, as vessels become clogged then blood pressure goes up.

Your kidneys are like a third liver and will take up the role. In most cases you will need to cleanse the liver and kidneys as well.

Blood pressure meds can also cause problems for the kidneys according to the Encyclopedia of pragmatic medicine.

Some of the obvious poisons that your liver is forced to filter are alcohol, drugs, and, cigarettes, but prescription drugs, 100% cooked diet, and processed food are also culprits.

Bad water,chlorine, too much protein, preservatives and additives like nitrates can also add to the problem. I recommend the Berkey water filter. It is the best I have found for the money!

Some liver cleansing foods you can add to your diet are garlic,onions, kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts, red peppers, cabbage,beets, asparagus,and egg yolks.

Once you begin eliminating the toxins and adding clean foods to your diet you will begin to cleanse.You may feel worse before you feel better. Old symptoms may resurface when the body begins to heal. 

For steps on cleansing your liver I recommend this protocol by Dr. Axe. Following a lifestyle of clean eating and exercise and treating our bodies the way God intended will equip our bodies to work and function properly.

I believe another reason God called us to fast is because of the cleansing and health benefits it gives us as well as spiritual. Here is an article I wrote with the health benefits of fasting.

Do you have the symptoms of a toxic liver? Have you ever done a liver cleanse? If so, did it help eliminate the symptoms you were experiencing?

I challenge you adopt clean eating habits, exercise, proper rest, and good supplementation for the next 90 days and report how you feel!

To Your Health,

Jenay Green

sources: The Encyclopedia Of Pragmatic Medicine

Got tummy trouble? Try this!

  Got tummy trouble? Try this!

In this country today we are plagued with digestive issues. We are greatly affected by our Standard American diet. I have always heard it said that our health starts in our gut. What we are able to absorb as nutrients and eliminate as waste is crucial to the state of our health.

Over the years I have heard numerous complaints from clients about chronic constipation. If you listen most people they either feel bloated, constipated, or gassy all the time. Royalty society of medicine reports over 90% of diseases are a result of an infected digestive tract.

If you are like millions of others and suffer from digestive issues, try cabbage! This is one simple addition to your diet that may lead to some relief in this area. Cabbage is a cruciferous(root word meaning crucify) vegetable that is known to inhibit cells that potentially cause disease.

Cabbage is chocked full of beneficial nutrients for better health. The effect on your intestines acts as a broom to clean out the waste. Cabbage contains a powerful antioxidant that is responsible for detoxifying the liver which is our main organ for detoxing.

Red cabbage has a powerful antioxidant that can reduce inflammation. Inflammation causes a host of other issues and causes pain in the body. The nutrients in cabbage are known to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and several types of cancers.

A compound found in cabbage is known to protect against the harmful effects of radiation. A natural chemical found in cabbage is been shown to decrease tumor size in a aggressive form of breast cancer.

Fermented cabbage used in Sauerkraut and Kimchi are choked full of probiotics that are great for our immune system and digestive health. If you have tummy trouble try fermented cabbage. The consumption of fermented foods makes vitamins and minerals easier to absorb and helps with relief of constipation.

For a cabbage chicken salad recipe try this site. For more information on fermenting foods and how simple and cost effective it can be check out wellness mama. If you are suffering from tummy trouble I highly recommend adding fermented foods to your diet.

Some ideas for the use of cabbage in your diet

1. Juicing

2. Add to your salads

3. Steam with a little sea salt, pepper, and lemon

4. Roast add fresh herbs and olive oil

5. Coleslaw

If you found any of this information useful please comment below on this article and share with others! To your health,

Jenay Green

Why Detox?

Why Detox?

With the new year and new adventures in getting healthy, you may have wondered why do I need to detox? This is something my body was designed to do on its own right? You are correct, but sometimes we need to help our body do what it was designed to do.

Our liver performs over 400 bodily functions and is our main source of detoxification. The kidneys are an organ that facilitates our bodies detoxification process as well. The Standard American diet consists of so many starches, sugars, and fats that it can hurt our livers natural process.

If you drink alcohol, eat processed food or smoke your liver may be sluggish. Signs of a sluggish liver include headaches, digestive disturbances, and constipation. As toxins accumulate they can also have an affect on brain functions.

Your mind may feel cloudy, you may have trouble concentrating, and even trouble sleeping. These can be indications that you are toxic. Symptoms you need a detox include low energy and fatigue, which seems to be an epidemic. This has resulted in the rise of energy drinks and caffeine laden drinks that will burden the liver in the long run.

Read ingredients and do not trust a product just because it says natural!  A detox is not only a great way to revitalize your health but it is a great discipline that can spill over to other areas of your life. If you have had a bondage to any particular food, caffeine, cigarettes. sugar, etc this could be a great tool for kicking those harmful habits.

When you start to experience all the health benefits of a detox you may just begin a lifestyle change. When you have a clearer mind feel lighter, have more energy and better sleep you may be able to accomplish some of the goals you could not muster up the energy for!

To help your body prepare for a detox, a few days prior begin to eliminate caffeine and sugar. You may have a caffeine headache and that is normal. Drink plenty of water, and even add lemon to a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. This preparation will help reduce the unpleasant symptoms that ridding your bloodstream of the toxins may include.

Dr. Axe is very balanced and I trust his advice. He has a simple liver detox on his website. I replaced coffee with my new favorite tea that I make using raw unfiltered local honey, purified water, and raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar. I recommend Bragg  ACV. Patricia Bragg has many drinks that you could use on your detox. blogging 002

An easy way to help facilitate the bodies natural detoxification process is to eliminate the alcohol, sugars, caffeine, and processed foods. Then add fresh primarily raw fruits and vegetables, seeds, and nuts. See Dr. Ben Kim for a detox diet.

If you found any of this information helpful please share and if you have any testimonies with detoxing leave a comment below. To your health,

Jenay Green


Quick tips for fasting

Quick tips for fastingquick tips on fasting

At the beginning of the year a lot of people choose to break bad habits and begin healthy ones. Fasting is a commonly known practice dating back to biblical times.Fasting is done for a variety of reasons including, to discipline ourselves. I believe God has miraculous benefits in mind with fasting.

The thought of fasting can seem scary for a lot of people, especially who may not have any experience with it. A fast is something I believe you should pray about personally to get direction on why and how. Make sure before you begin fasting that you have a plan outlined. This will help you to not give up or divert from the original plan.

Another quick tip is to establish the type of fast you will be doing and why. The Daniel fast is a common fast. In the book of Daniel you can read beginning in chapter 1:8&12 Daniel had only pulse and water for ten days according to scripture. This would consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and water. This is a great fast to begin with.

Another type of fast is juice only. A quick tip for beginning a fast is to begin cutting out caffeine, processed foods, and sugar to make the detoxification process more subtle. When coming off a fast you should gradually add foods back to your diet and chew your food well. A juice only fast should consist of fresh juiced fruit and vegetables. This is fresh raw food in its most assimilated form.

Genesis 1:29 “And God said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree , in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed: to you it shall be for food.”Raw foods are considered the healing force in our diet, because they contain active enzymes, which are broken down when foods are cooked.

With the juice only fast, the body is cleansing more aggressively, which can result in greater detox symptoms. This is normal and the more intense the cleansing the greater the discomfort can be.Better out than in, but the toxins coming out can be an unpleasant experience.

If you are working and do not have the time to juice the vegetables fresh you can either juice them before leaving and keep them refrigerated or you can purchase a v-8 juice that is low sodium, not v-8 splash( it is not the same). Another option is the green goodness by bolthouse farms that can be purchased in almost any grocery store. These store bought options should be limited and water should be your primary drink when fasting.

Green leafy vegetables, beets, cucumbers, cabbage,and carrots are some great for juicing with some cleansing benefits. Cabbage is particularly helpful if you have colon issues, constipation, and indigestion. I hope these quick tips for fasting are helpful. Always drink plenty of water when fasting. Please add any information you have found helpful with fasting in the comments below.

To your health,
Jenay Green

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