Start With What You Have

  When it comes to starting new exercise habits or making healthier food choice we tend to procrastinate. Even if the conditions aren’t perfect, start with what you have.

Can you walk? Can you ride a bike? Do what you can! Maybe going to a gym doesn’t fit the scedule or the budget at this time, but don’t let that discourage you. I am in that season myself.

We are all in different seasons and at different fitness levels.I want to encourage you as a personal trainer to be creative and make it fun!

Maybe making the changes to eat healthier seems like a daunting task. If you are cooking for your husband and kids it can make it harder for sure. I know this from personal experience. Start with a small goal of adding extra vegetables to your meals this week. Take a daily walk or follow a workout video.  Make a fresh salad to get several of your vegatables in one sitting. I have a few wonderful salad recipes. If you have any vegeatbles in the house start with what you have.

Find a new way to make a sweet potato or brocoli. Even something as simple as adding different spices and trying a new way of preparing food can help.  Don’t stress over not doing everything right. Be intentional about a few small goals for the week and get it done! Be thankful for what you can do.

This is the perfect time of year to get outdoors. Meet a friend at the park for a walk and fellowship. Take the kids to the park for a bike ride. It will be a great opportunity to have some family time, get exercise, sunshine, and fresh air. Don’t focus on what you don’t have today but instead take advantage of what you do! Encourage others in taking steps towards a healthier lifstyle and at the same time you will be encouraged!

To Your Health,

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