Motivation for a Healthy Lifestyle
My friend, we all need motivation in our lives at times . Do not let that make you feel bad. We need each other in this journey.
I know you want to be healthy, right? O.K. and most of us have a pretty good idea of what it takes to have a healthy lifestyle. So what is stopping you from making the right choices?
Do you feel as if you have failed so many times before, so then what is the point? That is the enemy’s voice wanting you to feel hopeless, and we have all felt that in some area of life!
What is going on in your life today that may be overwhelming you? Do you feel like, “I just can’t’?” Get some quiet time and take an inventory of your life today.
Is there some unresolved issue, a broken relationship, or an unhealthy mindset?
These are all things that can hinder your progress in developing a healthy lifestyle. We all face challenges, but unresolved areas can prevent us from moving forward and can wreak havoc on our health as well.
A healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy spirit and soul. Your mind, will, and emotions (soul) play a major role on the health of your body. For more details on this pick up a copy of my book “A Battle Plan For Cancer”.
It is a decision to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself, but it can be the hardest thing to stick to and not be double minded.
I know we have all said this, I will start on Monday. Then Monday arrives, and then we have a big, fat excuse! The first thing you need to do today is figure out your ‘why’!
Why do I want to live a healthy lifestyle? Put your ‘why’ on a piece of paper and keep it before you. If you have several ‘whys’, then put them throughout your house, reminders on your phone, etc.
Decide on your why. It may be, I am going to be a better wife, so my husband reaps the benefits, and we will have a healthier marriage as a result. Sometimes we are more motivated, if it helps someone else!
Once you have made a decision then make a list of how you will accomplish this goal.
1. Walking with a buddy
2.Riding bikes with the kids
3. Rollerblading with the family
3.Eating more vegetables and fruits
4. Getting more sleep
5. Going to bed earlier
6. Getting a sabbath rest
7. Praying and spending more time with God
8. Finding healthy dessert recipes
9. Planning meals ahead
10. Packing a cooler(so I am never anywhere without a healthy)
If you found any of this information as motivation for a healthy lifestyle , pay it forward by sharing with others. Also leave a reply below and be a part of motivating another. What has worked for you?
To your health,
Jenay Green