Sweet Potatoes: More Than Just For A Holiday Treat

Sweet Potatoes: More than Just for a Holiday Treat

When entering into the holiday season we are surrounded by so many delectable treats for both dinner and dessert. How many can you name? What are your favorites?

Around Thanksgiving and sometimes Christmas and New Year’s (depending on the family), we come across a lot of different ways to cook and eat sweet potatoes. Sometimes my family will eat some sweet potato dishes all year long.

How many can you name?

We have: sweet potato soufflé, sweet potato pie, baked sweet potatoes, boiled sweet potatoes, steamed sweet potatoes…

Even though sweet potatoes are sweet and yummy, they are actually GOOD for you! Something that is both healthy and tastes good. That’s the kind of health food I like, too. Let’s explore why they are good for you.


Sweet potatoes are loaded with an assortment of important vitamins including: Vitamin C, B Vitamins (B6, B12, B1, B2, and B3), biotin (AKA Vitamin B7), pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5), and Vitamin A.

For a chart of the Daily Values click here.


Sweet potatoes also contain an assortment of minerals as well: manganese, copper, phosphorus, and potassium.

They are also an excellent source of fiber.

Other Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes also contain nutrients that help with inflammation and regulating blood sugar. They also contain batatins that have antifungal and antibacterial properties which are not fully understood at this time.

Sweet Potatoes of a Different Color

 Not all sweet potatoes are all the same orange color that we are familiar with, they can be purple which they contain more antioxidants than simply beta carotene. Purple sweet potatoes contain cyanins and peondins in the flesh as opposed to the skin. Antioxidants are important in helping eliminate free radicals and heavy metals that are harmful to the body.

Spicing Things Up

Adding spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or cloves not only adds some great taste and pizzazz to sweet potatoes, they also add other nutritional benefits and antioxidants as well.

It’s amazing to me that something that is known as a vegetable and super-food can be found at the dessert table and can be eaten for that same reason. So here are some good reasons why you can eat sweet potatoes all year long and not just as a Holiday treat!

Amanda Taylor (Soaring Eagle Publications)

I would like to thank Amanda Taylor, with Soaring Eagle Publications for guest blogging on this website.

To Your Health,

Jenay Green

Photo credit vegkitchen.com

Sources: The George MateljanFoundation

How to improve health with Pumpkin

                                        How to improve health with Pumpkin

If you are looking for a variety of foods to add to your diet to improve health pumpkin is a great addition They are in season and can be used in many different recipes. Pumpkins are rich in a host of vitamins and minerals that contribute to improved health.

Pumpkins are rich in disease fighting antioxidants.  For radiant skin not only can you ad pumpkin to your diet but it can be used as a mask on your face.

Pumpkins contain a high level of vitamin c which is great for helping protect yourself against the cold and flu season. Pumpkins may also play a role in cancer prevention. With the fatty acids that pumpkin seeds contain as well as them being free of saturated fat and cholesterol they are a heart healthy food.

If you are looking for more energy pumpkin may be just what you need.They have more energy fueling potassium than bananas. For athletes after a hard workout they help restore the bodies electrolytes.

Great news for those looking to add some variety of foods to your weight loss arsenal. Pumpkins are very low in calories as well as high in dietary fiber. The high fiber content will keep you feeling full longer, not to mention the host of nutrients your body is receiving to boost health.

Looking to add more protein?  Pumpkin seeds are a concentrated source of protein. Pumpkins are rich in minerals that are important in improving overall health. Pumpkins are also rich in carotenoids which gives them the bright orange hue.. They are also known for improving the health of your eyes.

Pumpkins seeds also contain an amino acid that is important in production of serotonin. Serotonin plays a role in our moods as well as our sleep. If you have better sleep you will be in a better mood anyway, but good sleep is an important element in maintaining overall health.

Ways to add pumpkin to improve Health

1. Energy boosting smoothie
blend pureed pumpkin with a protein powder, coconut milk and chia seeds.

2. Satisfying trail mix
add raw pumpkin seeds to cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds, raisins or dates and a little sea salt.

3. Salad topper
add raw pumpkin seeds to any salad

4.Roasted vegetable medley
add chunks of pumpkin to your favorite vegetables and roast them cover with olive oil and your favorite spices

5.Roasted pumpkin seeds
cover baking sheet with pumpkin seeds sea salt and olive oil

If you have any great recipes or ideas to add pumpkin to your diet please join the conversation and leave a reply below. To your health,

Jenay Green

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