Could Being Thankful Improve your Health?

Could being thankful actually improve your health? The bible tells us in Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken  spirit dries the bones.”  The bible has many  passages that tell us to be thankful, but maybe you didn’t realize it is for your benefit to follow these instructions? Take a look at this article for some more in depth information on the subject.

Science is now able to study and show the benefits of being thankful.  I can attest that when you verbalize how much you appreciate someone that it not only helps you but them as well! This is a simple way to have a positive affect on another.

 It hasn’t been until recently that science has been able to observe the neurological, physical and emotional benefits of gratitude.

Thankful people experience fewer aches and pains according to a 2012 study published in Personality and Individual Differences.1

According to Psychology Today, studies have shown that thankfulness may not only reduce stress but assist in overcoming trauma.  Being thankful is a simple act, that can have far reaching effects on our health. Writing down things you’re thankful for is a great place to start. Also be intentional about thanking people in your life verbally or by sending cards.

Many studies have found that people who are conscious of counting their blessing are happier and less depressed. With so much negativity surrounding us it is vital that you make it a point to verbalize all the reasons to be thankful.  Being thankful improves relationships and can help you relish experiences according to Harvard Health.

Grateful people tend to be more optimistic, a characteristic that researchers say boosts the immune system. “There are some very interesting studies linking optimism to better immune function,” says Lisa Aspinwall, PhD, a psychology professor at the University of Utah.


I would like to challenge you today to be intentional about giving thanks and enjoy this day. Take a walk, get a good belly laugh, send a thank you note, hug your family, smile on purpose, and make a list of all you have to be thankful for today. If you have input or suggestions on ways that giving thanks has personally helped you please comment below. Get in the conversation and be thankful.

To Your Health,

Jenay Green



sources :


Harvard Health

Have Faith For Where You Want To Go!

Have you thought about this before? Have faith for where you want to go! This means you have to see it and believe it first! God tells us to have faith in Him. I believe this is because we are so limited by what we can do ourselves, but we serve a God that is limitless!

So if you want to be healthy, see yourself healthy first! Ask God for a vision of where you can go and what healthy looks like for you? Check out one of my former blogs for a more in depth look at that subject! Ask God for clean motives and a pure heart in what your asking.

James 3:16 “For where envy and self seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.”    This is where we have to be willing to see our own heart. If you ask for the Lord to shine his light then He will show you! I believe this scripture in James exposes why so many of us can’t seem to make headway in the area of health and fitness,” our motives.”

If we truly believe that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit then this should be motivation enough to take care of our bodies! 1 Corinthians 6:20 ” For you were bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are Gods. Of course this is for those who are “In Christ” those that have made Jesus Christ the Lord of their life.

When I see there are areas of my heart that are not pure I repent and ask the Lord to cleanse me with the blood of Jesus. Then I ask for a pure heart and to not make this an idol. I have in fact at times put too much emphasis on this area and had to repent for that as well. Faith is not a way to get everything we want, but rather a way to get what God wants! Believe me, we want what God wants, because He is perfect in all His ways.

Ask for Faith to get where you want to go, but ask God to align your heart with His to pray His perfect will. I believe that God wants you to see yourself healthy and whole based on scripture.

James 5:15& 16 ” And the prayer of FAITH shall save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up, And if he has committed sins they will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses one to another, and pray for one another that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

I believe true health begins with a relationship with Jesus Christ and is based on so much more than what we see. The more we seek God, His truth and His word the more revelation that will come. Then this will stir up the faith to get where we want to go.

My prayer today is that everyone reading this blog would come to know Jesus and His great love for us! When we receive His love we can begin to walk into a personal relationship that can change our lives if we allow it. Take us Lord to a deeper faith in you. That you alone Jesus would be glorified in all we say and do, including taking care of our bodies in Jesus name, Amen!

To your health,

Jenay Green

Do Not Despise Small Beginnings


Do Not Despise Small Beginnings!

As I was sitting here praying today about what to write, my prayer was, “Father, what questions are your daughters asking and how can I encourage them?” I heard the phrase, “Do not despise small beginnings”.

This scripture is found in Zachariah 4:10. You may be wondering how this is relevant to living healthy? Well, have you ever thought: “I don’t have an hour a day to workout” or maybe, “I can’t afford to buy everything organic?”

I don’t have the time to prepare  healthy food. Maybe your not sure where to start, so you don’t do anything. Friends, everybody’s situation is different. We all have different dynamics in our household. Some of us are on a budget. Others have just started this journey. Some people have food allergies.

There is so much conflicting information out there that you don’t know whether to crap or bake a cake as my mom would say, except she used another word! I would recommend  starting where you can and keeping it simple!

Most likely you can’t change everything today anyway, so don’t worry, be happy! What can you do today? Can you walk? Can you get some fresh air and sunshine?Can you eat some fresh whole fruits and veggies? Can you make some positive confessions? Can you choose to think on good things as Philippians 4:8 tells us?

What is in your hands to do today? What answers has God already provided that you can utilize now.  Whether we think we have enough time, resources, or information to begin,  I encourage you to choose one thing and put your hand to the plow and start sowing seeds into your health today!

Let me give you a few simple steps that will cost little or no money;

  1. Take a walk.
  2. Drink more water
  3. Add lemon to your water
  4. Think before you eat. Am I hungry? Am I bored, etc… mindful eating
  5. Rest, take a sabbath. (Its biblical and rest helps our body)
  6. Take 10 deep belly breaths (Inhale the breath of life and exhale all worries)
  7. Get a good laugh (Proverbs 17:22, A Merry heart is like medicine)
  8. Play with your kids (ride a bike, put some skates on, go to a park, throw the ball)
  9. Get some sunshine and walk barefoot in the grass.
  10. Be thankful!!! We all have many reasons to give thanks. Say them our Lord!

Please do not despise small beginnings! I am cheering you on! Take those small steps and give yourself a pat on the back. Do not compare yourself to others. None of us are at the exact same place. Be encouraged today my friends to keep on keeping on! If you feel this blog encouraged you in any way please let us know by commenting below and be sure to share!

To Your Health,

Jenay Green

Photo credit (Moran Studios) Hair and makeup Brushworx

What Does Healthy Look Like For You?

What Does Healthy Look Like For You?9b00-0783-ca64-f478

In today’s society we are bombarded with images and ideals of what we as women should look like according to the media. A lot of these models that are featured on the cover of the latest magazines are not always a healthy weight for everyone.

Not only are they airbrushed and made to appear as if they have no flaws, which is a complete fantasy. It can make women feel as if this is a standard we all should live up to.

The question we all need to ask ourselves is,” what does healthy look like for me”? For each of us, it may be very different in our appearance and that is o.k.! As we get older we realize that our health is what really matters. Not what size we are or how we look in our jeans.

I have found over the years as a trainer that there are skinny women that are unhealthy as well as a little larger women that are much healthier. I encourage you to get rid of  unrealistic ideals. Do not beat yourself up or compare yourself to others!

Feeling good and investing in your health at whatever level you can at this stage of life is what matters. Don’t place a pressure on yourself that will frustrate you or make you want to quit. This is a lifelong journey not a sprint! Your goals to live a healthier lifestyle should not stress you out, but be a way to relieve stress.

If your goal is to be as healthy as you can for yourself, your family, your job, etc,..then finding ways to improve your heath and feel as good as you can is a great goal. Age, lifestyle, finances, environment can all play a role in affecting what you can do at the stage you are in life.

I always tell clients to keep it simple.Eat the foods the closest to the way God put them here. Don’t overeat(the sin of gluttony), take a sabbath(day of rest) and find ways to get outside to get fresh air, sunshine, and exercise.

Accept that we are all made different with a variety of shapes and sizes and that is beautiful! Then instead of comparing ourselves to anyone else love and embrace the healthy you whatever that looks like!

To your health,

Jenay Green

How to get crazy motivated to work out!

How to get crazy motivated to work out!How to get crazy motivated to work out

You may be thinking, nothing will get me crazy motivated to work out, but I challenge you to read this article and re-think that. Working out has a list of health benefits that are virtually endless.

First of all ,working out decreases risk of heart disease.  February being heart health month this is a great time to do your heart a favor and get moving! Exercise can help lower blood pressure as well as cholesterol. I have known people to have elevated blood pressure and retake it after a workout and it have come down.

One of the biggest complaints I hear from people today is that they have no energy. Exercise will increase your energy levels. I hear people say, I am to tired to exercise, but if you just do it, then you will start to feel better and have the energy to exercise!

Cancer is something we all want to take preventative measures for. Exercise can reduce the risk of certain cancers as well as type 2 diabetes. Alzheimer’s Research Center says exercise is one of the best weapons against the Alzheimer’s.

According to Harvard Medical school psychiatrist, John Ratey, exercise is the single best thing you can do for your brain in terms of memory, mood, and learning. Exercise helps prevent Osteoporosis, reduces the risk of falling, and improves cognitive function among older adults.

A University of California study showed fewer signs of ageing in a group of women who performed 45 minutes of exercise over a 3 day period in compared with those who were inactive. If you were not already convinced for all who want to find ways to defy your age, exercise may be your answer!

Exercise also reduces the detrimental effects of stress on the body. It can help reduce symptoms of depression, in some cases as well as anti-depressants. It can also help relieve anxiety and its symptoms.

For all you married couples, that are looking for a spark in your love life, exercise can improve your sex life! This may be just the answer to get your spouses crazy motivated to exercise!

Exercise improves your moods by releasing  feel good chemicals in the brain. After a good workout you also feel a sense of accomplishment which can spill over into other areas of your life. Discipline in one area of life can result in motivation to get more accomplished in other areas of life as well.

Exercise improves your chances to live longer, and can greatly improve your quality of life. Maybe the most obvious and sometimes the biggest motivation for exercise is weight loss. Exercises raises metabolism, improves muscle tone, and sheds unwanted fat.

Consistency and hard work lead to results! I saved the best reason to exercise for last.The inspiration it can give others!

Getting fit can equip us to be better for those around us. We can be better servants for God, better spouses, parents, employees,etc…. Bottom line focus more on all reasons you need to work out and eliminate your excuses!

I hope you are crazy motivated to exercise, and you pay it forward by sharing this article with everyone you know.

To your health,

Jenay Green


Sources; Mayo clinic, Harvard T.H. Chan, U.S. News Health, Web M.D

How to stay fit during the holidays

                                           How to stay fit during the holidays

How to stay fit during the holidays is a challenge we all have to face. Here are a few tips to keep you on track this year!  With all the festivities it is easy to find an excuse to eat anything and everything. The Christmas season is only once a year so I should enjoy it right? This is true, you should enjoy it, but go ahead and set some parameters.

 Planning ahead is a key to staying fit during the holidays. When you know you will be attending a holiday party plan light meals for the rest of the day. A protein shake for breakfast and a big salad for lunch. Make sure that you eat a little something before you attend, because if you are starving you will overeat!

Plan ahead to get a good workout or some kind of physical activity in during the day. Even if you take a 20 minute power walk or do some squats and push ups. Do not use not having time as an excuse to do nothing at all. We are all busy this time of year so if you miss a workout here or there do not let that get you discouraged to wait until after the holidays to get back on track.

I hear people say, I will start at the first of the year and then become sedentary and overeat throughout December. I have done the same thing and it is just an excuse! Today decide that you will not gain that 5 to ten pounds over the holidays. Be determined to stay fit this Christmas season. If you are working out and eating clean most of the time the occasional treat will not hurt you.

Make this a Christmas to remember! The motivation of staying fit during the holidays should be about your health. Being healthy and feeling good equips you to be a blessing to others and serve!

If you have any tips on staying fit during the holidays please comment below. To your health,

Jenay Green

Want riches for your health?

Want riches for your health?

I titled this video blog Riches for your health, because this single product produces amazing health benefits.

By consuming raw apple cider vinegar on a daily basis is a great way to have riches for your health.

Bragg has made it so simple for us to have plenty of great ways to incorporate this product into our every day diet. If you have struggled with the taste or smell being to strong we may have your answers in this video.

Click on link here to purchase the products we reviewed in this video. Some of the Bragg products can also be found at your local grocery or health food store.

If you have tried any of Bragg products and would like to add a comment about your favorite way to consume raw apple cider apple cider vinegar to your diet for your health leave a comment below.

To your health,

Jenay Green

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