Encouragement For My Friends

Encouragement For My friends

I am dedicating this blog to a group of women who I am walking within this season, but it is encouragement for all!

This area of health and wellness is a marathon, not a sprint! This has been a struggle off and on throughout my life. I have battled with gluttony (overeating), emotional or stress eating, and cravings for foods that are not healthy!

This has been an area that I have had to pray through and ask for grace from God to get a hold of. My heart is to help others overcome and experience abundant life in every area including your health.

This takes discipline and self control and is not always easy. When we try it in our own strength, some days it works and others not so much. Motives can be wrong and feelings can be fickle.

You may say, “Today I am going to start eating healthy” until someone shows up with a hot, glazed donut. Then you might say, “Well, I don’t want to hurt their feelings, and I can just start tomorrow.” If you have ever thought this way, then this post is for you!

The problem with this is once we eat the sugary food, we usually begin craving more of it. It quickly becomes a downward spiral. We get blood sugar spikes,  crash, and then are still hungry. We did not give our body the nourishment it needs, which is kind of the point of eating, isn’t it? LOL. It’s not for just personal satisfaction.

So if we allow our feelings to dictate what we eat, then this journey will be like a roller coaster, up one minute and down the next! I know this from experience.

One thing I had to learn in this journey with helping others–along with struggling personally–is to commit this to God and to call on His grace to overcome.

As I was praying for my sisters, I felt a prompting inside to join hand in hand and walk with you. The Bible tells us there is no greater love than a man who will lay down His life for His friends. I know in this context, it is what Jesus has done for us, but we can apply this to our everyday lives in all aspects.

So, whenever I feel emotionally stirred to grab something to eat to fulfill a need, then I am going to choose to stop and and pray for strength in this area. I believe as we pray for others, friends, that you will also be able to recieve His strength.

I challenge you to do the same! You never know where this may lead or who you may encourage in the journey!

Whether you are tempted to overeat, to eat what does not nourish, or to use food to try to fill a need, that you choose to stop and pray. Philippians 4:13 tells us we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength so I thank you that my friend can lean on you Jesus and your strength would be made perfect in her weakness, Amen!

Leave a comment or reply below and share if you want to pass it on!

To Your Health,

Jenay Green



Having Self Control in a World of Indulgence

Having Self Control in a World of Indulgence

This can be easier said than done.  As adults we don’t have anyone telling us to stop eating, or that we have had enough.

We believe having this freedom is a blessing, but should not be an excuse to have no boundaries in our lives. In the scripture 1 Corinthians 10:23 The Bible states all things are lawful but all things are not helpful. In other words just because we can do something does not mean we should!

Food can be a bondage like any other addiction, and can sometimes be as harmful. 1 Corinthians 9:27 states “But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.

This has been an area of weakness for me. I need prayer to have self control in my everyday life. I love to eat food that tastes good and sometimes have a really hard time stopping myself from over-eating. We must realize Gluttony is a sin.

If you are still battling with this area of self control when it comes to food, you are not alone and the battle is real. It is a decision of the will and operating in self control when the food is in front of you.

It is simple to say I won’t over eat until the temptation is in front of you. Here are a few pointers to help you exercise self-control in a world of indulgence.

  1. Pray(this is the most helpful for me)
  2. Stand on scripture or a quote you can put in sight. example(Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
  3. Tell others your goals to help keep you accountable
  4. Keep the foods that tempt you the most out of the house.
  5. Keep the healthy foods stocked
  6. Drink plenty of water(sometimes you are really just thirsty when you eat)
  7. Stop and think, why am I eating? Am I really hungry? Bored?Stressed?
  8. Eat a salad or nutrient dense foods first and you may be satisfied.

To Your Health,

Jenay Green

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