Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

This is much easier said than done as an adult with the responsilities that life brings. We really have to renew our minds on purpose to not worry and be happy.

A 2017 New York Times article points out that “There is no longer any doubt that what happens in the brain influences what happens in the body.” The bible states this in Proverbs 23:7  As a man thinks in his heart so is he.

While there is so much emphasis on eating right and exercise when it comes to wellness, our thought life should be paid attention as well. After all, everything we do begins with a thought. It makes sense that healthy thoughts could lead to healthier choices.

Philippians 4:8 tells us to think on things that are just, pure, honest, lovely, and of a good report. Earlier in chapter 4 it is saying to be anxious for nothing and pray with thanksgiving. It would be wise to heed to our creators instuctions.

We all know that we are influenced by the things we give our attention and time to. A great practice for helping encourage right thinking is eliminating the negative inputs. I don’t believe we were created to be constantly stimulated by all the entertainment we are exposed to with our fast paced world.

I find personally, that taking breaks from all media is a great way to quiet my mind! I would put in question that the rising epidemic of mental health issues would some how be connected to all information we are being bombarded with. It seems as if alot of fear is projected. Struggling personally with anxiety, hearing all the bad news has had a direct affect.

Here are a few practical suggestions to apply right away to help exercise your mind to think good thoughts.

  1. Make a list and speak out loud things you are thankful for!
  2. Take a walk and be grateful for nature and all it provides(oxygen from trees)
  3. Expect good things(faith)
  4. Take time to encourage another

We are happier when we take the time to put a smile on someone else.Everyone has struggles and we all make the choice daily what we focus on. What we focus on grows, good or bad. The more we allow the wrong thoughts the more they seem to mulitply and spiral out of control.

The bible also tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:5 the word says to cast down imaginations take every thougtht captive to the obedience of Christ. Take time today to exercise your mind and think good thoughts. I have found this very helpful in my perosnal journey! Dr. Caroline Leaf has a great information that assists in making this change! If you have any questions or concerns add to the conversation by commenting.

To Your Health.

Jenay Green

Sources = Dr.,, New York









Ways to improve brain function

Ways to improve brain function

Today there are a lot of concerns about keeping the brain sharp and trying to prevent illnesses like Alzheimer’s and dementia.The good news is that there are several ways you can improve brain function.

Prevention states that what you eat is one of the key factors that influences every day brain skills. You also need good blood flow to the brain which getting daily exercise will help. An Ohio university study states that well hydrated people scored significantly better than those who were not well hydrated before testing.

So if you have not found enough reasons to drink more water do your brain a favor and hydrate! Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. Some of the foods we can enjoy to improve brain function would be whole grains for the energy they supply.

The ability to concentrate comes from steady supply of energy. Blueberries are noted in a Tufts university study to reverse some memory loss. The powerful antioxidant in tomatoes(lycopene) as well as the antioxidant benefits of pomegranates can protect the brain from free radical damage.

Broccoli is known to enhance cognitive function as well as a host of other benefits so load up on your cruciferous vegetables like broccoli. Green leafy vegetables are another great addition to your diet for improving brain function.

If you love nuts then you will love this news! Nuts are very beneficial to brain function and provide essential fatty acids. Walnuts look like the brain and provide essential nutrients for better brain function.

Avocados contribute to healthy blood flow and that is a benefit to your brain function. As if you needed a reason to eat dark chocolate it is also great for your mind. Key is only to use a half ounce to an ounce a day the excess of caffeine can cause brain fog. Good news is though that in small amounts caffeine can improve attention span.

Some other foods you may want to include for mental sharpness are olives, seeds,and eggs. Web MD also states that beans are a great economical brain food.

Fish is a great addition to your diet to improve brain function as it supplies a good source of omega 3″s. If you have a hard time eating fish you can use a fish oil supplement but make sure you are getting a good one.

Vitamin C is also known to increase mental agility as well as many other vital functions in the body. Black currants are one of the best sources of vitamin C in food. Sage and curry are spices that you can cook with that are noted to improve memory.

If you do not have a good diet and feel overwhelmed then a supplement that provides a host of vitamins and minerals will help provide the body with essential nutrients it needs to function properly. Click on this link for the one I recommend. My whole family has benefited from this nutrition.

Be sure to share any testimonies or additional ideas that have been helpful to you and pay it forward by sharing this article on your social media sites.

To your health,

Jenay Green

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