How to get crazy motivated to work out!

How to get crazy motivated to work out!How to get crazy motivated to work out

You may be thinking, nothing will get me crazy motivated to work out, but I challenge you to read this article and re-think that. Working out has a list of health benefits that are virtually endless.

First of all ,working out decreases risk of heart disease.  February being heart health month this is a great time to do your heart a favor and get moving! Exercise can help lower blood pressure as well as cholesterol. I have known people to have elevated blood pressure and retake it after a workout and it have come down.

One of the biggest complaints I hear from people today is that they have no energy. Exercise will increase your energy levels. I hear people say, I am to tired to exercise, but if you just do it, then you will start to feel better and have the energy to exercise!

Cancer is something we all want to take preventative measures for. Exercise can reduce the risk of certain cancers as well as type 2 diabetes. Alzheimer’s Research Center says exercise is one of the best weapons against the Alzheimer’s.

According to Harvard Medical school psychiatrist, John Ratey, exercise is the single best thing you can do for your brain in terms of memory, mood, and learning. Exercise helps prevent Osteoporosis, reduces the risk of falling, and improves cognitive function among older adults.

A University of California study showed fewer signs of ageing in a group of women who performed 45 minutes of exercise over a 3 day period in compared with those who were inactive. If you were not already convinced for all who want to find ways to defy your age, exercise may be your answer!

Exercise also reduces the detrimental effects of stress on the body. It can help reduce symptoms of depression, in some cases as well as anti-depressants. It can also help relieve anxiety and its symptoms.

For all you married couples, that are looking for a spark in your love life, exercise can improve your sex life! This may be just the answer to get your spouses crazy motivated to exercise!

Exercise improves your moods by releasing  feel good chemicals in the brain. After a good workout you also feel a sense of accomplishment which can spill over into other areas of your life. Discipline in one area of life can result in motivation to get more accomplished in other areas of life as well.

Exercise improves your chances to live longer, and can greatly improve your quality of life. Maybe the most obvious and sometimes the biggest motivation for exercise is weight loss. Exercises raises metabolism, improves muscle tone, and sheds unwanted fat.

Consistency and hard work lead to results! I saved the best reason to exercise for last.The inspiration it can give others!

Getting fit can equip us to be better for those around us. We can be better servants for God, better spouses, parents, employees,etc…. Bottom line focus more on all reasons you need to work out and eliminate your excuses!

I hope you are crazy motivated to exercise, and you pay it forward by sharing this article with everyone you know.

To your health,

Jenay Green


Sources; Mayo clinic, Harvard T.H. Chan, U.S. News Health, Web M.D

Tips to beating the winter blues!

Tips to beating the winter blues!Tips on beating the winter blues

Whether you have the occasional blues in the winter or you struggle with depression, try these tips that may help alleviate some of your symptoms. First of all, be sure to talk with someone if you are depressed, because, depression can be very serious and may require attention from a professional. 

Exercise releases endorphins that help lift your mood. This involves any activity that gets your heart rate up! You can play with your family, walk with a friend, or lift dumbbells in your living room. Refer to this article for some simple exercises you can do at home without equipment.

Another tip to beating the winter blues is laughter! Everyone loves to laugh, and as serious adults, we tend to forget to make this a part of our routine. The bible states in Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good like a medicine. Scientific studies have proven today that this is real wisdom that works!

Another tip for beating the winter blues is in getting outdoors and in the fresh air and sunlight.  The vitamin D we get from the sunshine is serious therapy. Dr. Axe has a great article on vitamin D and how in being deficient leads to many illnesses including depression.

Every sunny day, even in the winter, you should take a brisk walk. Doing this with a partner can give you fellowship and laughter at the same time. Encourage someone else and help yourself in the process. Helping others always lifts your mood!

What you think about has a direct affect on your mood. Dr. Caroline Leaf states that research shows 75%-98% of mental, physical, and behavioral illnesses come from your thought life. The bible tells us in Proverbs 23:7 as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Romans 12:2 also tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind.

Our thoughts are a real battle and even though it is a choice what we meditate on, circumstances can make this much more difficult. Try listing all you have to be thankful for, beginning with the simple things that we take for granted daily.

Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep. If you are are having a hard time with sleep, you may be deficient in magnesium, a vital mineral, that has an affect on both sleep and depression.

  Most Americans are deficient in magnesium and our lifestyle choices deplete our levels as well. Stressful situations require more magnesium. Caffeinated beverages cause the body to release extra magnesium. Also, carbonated drinks contain phosphates that flush magnesium out of your system as well.

Refined sugar causes the body to excrete magnesium through the kidneys. With our diets and lifestyle, I would highly recommend a supplement. Several clients I have  worked with have reported feeling better with changing their diet, adding exercise, and supplementation.

If you have any tips for beating the winter blues that have worked for you, please add your voice by leaving a comment below. Help someone today by passing on the information!

To your health,

Jenay Green

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