Benefits of Bentonite Clay

 Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Have you heard the term “God made dirt, dirt won’t hurt”? Well in the case of Bentonite clay, not only will it not hurt, but it seems to offersan array of health benefits!

Bentonite Clay is a healing Clay that can assist the body in internal detoxification. If you have been looking for a way to rid your body of the many toxins we are exposed to daily, then Bentonite Clay could be your answer.

According to a study done by clay has been successful at absorbing the Rotavirus. It is also been helpful in eliminating digestive issues such as IBS, constipation, and vomiting. It is even safe to use for your pets.

There are many foods that contain contaminates and the clay draws these out of the body, therefore increasing your immune function. Bentonite Clay contains an abundance of minerals that are very important in maintaining good health.

Bentonite Clay can be useful for skin conditions such as Psoriasis, Dermatitis, and Eczema. Mix with water and let dry on the skin. They have been using this age old beauty secret at spas for years!

You can add the clay to your bath as well to draw out toxins and will leave your skin feeling smooth, hydrated and less inflamed.

Another one of the many health benefits of Bentonite Clay is its ability to get oxygen to your cells. Since oxygen is the first thing we would die without, then I think it is pretty important to have an oxygen rich body. I talk more about this in my book“A Battle Plan For Cancer”.

Another thing you may have heard a lot lately is how acidic our bodies can become with the Standard American Diet(which spells SAD). Bentonite clay has an abundance of alkalizing minerals and can help bring our bodies pH into a more optimal range.

Bentonites Clay helps to remove toxins and a promotes good bacteria in the gut.

Bentonite Clay can also be used to make toothpaste.  It binds to the harmful toxins in our mouth and allows us to spit them out before swallowing them. You can also just rinse your mouth out with the clay and water as well for oral health benefits.

For those looking for alternative products for your babies, the clay can be used as a baby powder!

A study form Arizona State University found it effective in killing MRSA. Bentonite Clay has been used effectively for years and still offers many healing health benefits for us today.

Here is a brand that can be used internally and externally that is a good price on Amazon. What are your favorite uses of Bentonite Clay or which use are you most excited to try?

To Your Health,

Jenay Green

sources: U.S. library of medicine national institute of health

Photo: Bentonite Hills volcanic clay, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah. Via: Geir Olav Lyngfjell | Shutterstock.


Beat The Heat And Get Healthy With Watermelon!

Beat The Heat And Get Healthy With Watermelon!


In the U.S., July is National Watermelon month and the harvest peak for the fruit. Watermelon is a great way to beat the heat and get healthy this summer!

Watermelon seems to be a staple at summer picnics and parties for a great reason. This nutrient dense food full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants make an excellent choice for snacking.

Watermelon is 92% water and full of electrolytes to help prevent dehydration. This is a great choice for when you want to slim down for summer,and have the energy to keep up with all the summer activities! Watermelon is a low calorie option for weight loss and it keeps you feeling full longer.

Watermelon is also very alkaline.If you are looking for an alkaline promoting diet, watermelon is a great addition.

 Watermelon contains Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has had a lot of buzz in the nutrition world with good reason. In a study men who had the highest levels of lycopene in comparison with those who had the least were 55% less likely to suffer a stroke.

Watermelon is also helpful in keeping the body from a deficiency in potassium and magnesium, which can help lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

Watermelon has a cleansing affect on the body that can help prevent kidney stones. It is also very soothing on the digestive track and may help relieve acid reflux.

Increasing consumption of plant based foods like watermelon decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Watermelon because of its high fiber and water content can also help relieve constipation and promote regular bowel movements.

3 Things That May Surprise You About Watermelon

1. May help men with erectile dysfunction.

2. The rind is edible and contains blood building chlorophyll. Check out this article for many of the health benefits included in eating the rind.

3. The black seeds are edible and contain iron, zinc, protein, and fiber. Check out this article for some of the ways to enjoy the seeds and improve health!

Whether you are looking for a refreshing sweet treat to beat the heat, or have health and weight loss related goals in mind watermelon is a great choice to add to your diet this summer!

What is the one thing in this article that you did not know about Watermelon? Answer by leaving a reply below and if you found this article helpful, share with your peeps!

To Your Health,










Jenay Green


Sources:, Medical News today

Photo Credit:


Chew Your Way To Better Health!

Chew Your Way To Better Health

Do you know how important chewing your food is for your health? If you are like most people you may have never thought about it. With millions of Americans having digestive issues, it is a subject worthy of looking at.

I know you want to feel your best and treat your body right, right? By paying attention to this one simple thing, you can chew your way to better health!

Chewing your food is the first part of your digestive process. As you chew you break the food down into smaller particles that makes digestion easier. Think about chewing each bite between 10 times for softer foods and up to 30 times for vegetables or meats.

Having the food broke into smaller particles makes it easier to absorb nutrients from your food and prevents the improperly digested food from entering your bloodstream and causing adverse effects on your health.

Are you looking to shed a few pounds? If so, chewing your food properly could be your solution. As you chew properly, around twice as long as normal you will inadvertently decrease portion sizes, calorie intake, and weight loss could be a side effect!

Your stomach does not get the signal from your brain for about 20 minutes that you are full, so if you eat like I have my whole life, in 20 minutes I am long done and have overeaten many times before I realize that I am full.

I have had slow digestion and issues with constipation and realize how not chewing my food has had a negative effect on my health.

You should not be in a hurry or stressed when eating a meal. This will cause you to eat too fast and not chew your food well. Here is a great article on the importance of relaxing at each meal!

Saliva contains digestive enzymes that aid in the digestive process.The more enzymes that are exposed to the food you eat the better it is broken down. Saliva also helps lubricate your food and makes it easier on your esophagus.

Chewing is a workout for your teeth and helps keep them strong, another great reason to do some extra chewing at your next meal.

When the food you eat is not broken down properly as it enters your intestines it actually can putrefy, potentially leading to gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, cramping, and other digestive issues.

With so may suffering from digestive problems, it makes me wonder if chewing our food properly would eliminate many of these issues? A product that I recommend that contains digestive enzymes is FibRestore. If you are interested in learning more contact me.

Have you been chewing your food properly? Do you have digestive issues? leave a reply below to answer. I also challenge you to chew your way to better health for the next 90 days and report back your results!

To Your Health,


Jenay Green

Photo credit:


Got tummy trouble? Try this!

  Got tummy trouble? Try this!

In this country today we are plagued with digestive issues. We are greatly affected by our Standard American diet. I have always heard it said that our health starts in our gut. What we are able to absorb as nutrients and eliminate as waste is crucial to the state of our health.

Over the years I have heard numerous complaints from clients about chronic constipation. If you listen most people they either feel bloated, constipated, or gassy all the time. Royalty society of medicine reports over 90% of diseases are a result of an infected digestive tract.

If you are like millions of others and suffer from digestive issues, try cabbage! This is one simple addition to your diet that may lead to some relief in this area. Cabbage is a cruciferous(root word meaning crucify) vegetable that is known to inhibit cells that potentially cause disease.

Cabbage is chocked full of beneficial nutrients for better health. The effect on your intestines acts as a broom to clean out the waste. Cabbage contains a powerful antioxidant that is responsible for detoxifying the liver which is our main organ for detoxing.

Red cabbage has a powerful antioxidant that can reduce inflammation. Inflammation causes a host of other issues and causes pain in the body. The nutrients in cabbage are known to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and several types of cancers.

A compound found in cabbage is known to protect against the harmful effects of radiation. A natural chemical found in cabbage is been shown to decrease tumor size in a aggressive form of breast cancer.

Fermented cabbage used in Sauerkraut and Kimchi are choked full of probiotics that are great for our immune system and digestive health. If you have tummy trouble try fermented cabbage. The consumption of fermented foods makes vitamins and minerals easier to absorb and helps with relief of constipation.

For a cabbage chicken salad recipe try this site. For more information on fermenting foods and how simple and cost effective it can be check out wellness mama. If you are suffering from tummy trouble I highly recommend adding fermented foods to your diet.

Some ideas for the use of cabbage in your diet

1. Juicing

2. Add to your salads

3. Steam with a little sea salt, pepper, and lemon

4. Roast add fresh herbs and olive oil

5. Coleslaw

If you found any of this information useful please comment below on this article and share with others! To your health,

Jenay Green

Sweet news for improving health

Sweet news for improving health

This delicious fruit can easily be added to a variety of recipes and has a host of amazing benefits for your health. Adding Mangoes to your daily diet is sweet news for improving your health.

Mangoes are high in vitamin C an antioxidant that improves immune function. With cold and flu season coming up this would be a great preventative measure to take. Mangoes are rich in over 20 vitamins and minerals which is known for reducing the risk of disease.

It has been noted that Mangoes have been effective against all cancers but has been the most effective on breast and colon cancers. With the high vitamins, potassium, and fiber content they have also been linked with helping ward off heart disease.

A lot of Americans suffer with digestive issues. Mangoes are great for elimination problems because of the high water and fiber content. The vitamin k has also been linked to a decrease risk of macular degeneration improving eye health.

Improved bone health is also a benefit of consuming mangoes and has a positive effect on your hair, skin, and nails as well. You can use it topically as a mask as well as enjoying it in your diet for radiant skin.

For those looking to lose weight mangoes should be a part of your weight loss arsenal. Mangoes are rich in fiber that will not only cause you to feel fuller longer but helps in calorie burning. Mangoes are nutrient dense as well as low calorie.

If your like me and the years have not improved your memory the glutamine acid found in mangoes helps keep cells alive and boost memory. It also is named the love fruit as it can increase vitality in men.

Mangoes are rich in iron for those who are suffering with anemia. They also help alkaline the body which is important as a vast majority of the foods and drinks we are consuming are very acidic.

Mangoes are low glycemic. You can also boil the leaves of the mango and let them soak over night to make a tea that helps regulate insulin.

Recipes for adding mangoes to your daily diet

Sunrise smoothie

1 c  mango chunks                                                                                                               1/2  banana                                                                                                                                1 tsp lime juice                                                                                                                          1/4 tsp fresh grated ginger                                                                                                        2 tsp raw honey                                                                                                                        2 c seedless watermelon chunks

Early morning energy smoothie

2 c frozen mango chunks                                                                                                         1 c coconut milk                                                                                                                        1 tsp protein powder                                                                                                                 3 to 5 kale leaves                                                                                                                       1/2 frozen banana

You may also add a mango salsa to fish, chicken, or bean recipes as well using mangoes in a regular salad for a sweeter taste.

I hope you learned something new today that will inspire you to get on the path to healthier you. Please join the conversation by adding your comments at the bottom of this article and sharing this information with others. To your health,

Jenay Green

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