Fun In The Sun

Fun in the Sun: The Best Way to Get Your Vitamin

  It’s summertime! There’s lot’s of sun–maybe a bit too much lately with the heat and drought already this year. So there is no need to fear a vitamin D deficiency epidemic, right?We can’t be any more wrong.

According to this post deficiencies in vitamin D are at an all time high–this post were stats in 2014, so we can expect them to be at least that or higher.

According to the CDC 32% of children and adults were vitamin D deficient

  • The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that 50 percent of children aged one to five years, and 70 percent of children between the ages of six and 11, are deficient or insufficient in vitamin D
  • Researchers such as Dr. Holick estimate that 50 percent of the general population is at risk of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency

Even eating vitamin D fortified foods are not as helpful in receiving and processing vitamin D as the sun is. But they do help, so don’t not continue to consume these foods or supplement! Any little bit helps, but always remember the sun is the best!

What Does vitamin D Do for Me?

One of the most commonly known things it is known for is promoting bone health and the processing of calcium in the body. This process of the body helps prevent soft bones, osteoporosis, and rickets.

Another big advantage is that it aids in the prevention of disease and boosts the immune system. This essential vitamin helps the body ward off cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cognitive problems, autoimmune disorders, and even cancer.

For more benefits and sources for this article check out:

Common Signs Your are Vitamin D Deficient/Insufficient You’re feeling blue: If you are feeling depressed and/or anxious, you may just need to step outside for at least 5-15 minutes and get a little sun. I can tell you this from first hand experience.

Fatigue: If you are feeling tired and having a hard time concentrating seemingly out of nowhere, having some time in the sun will also help. 

Your bones and joints ache

You seem to “catch everything”: Vitamin D not only helps with autoimmune disease, but it helps with keeping viruses and bacteria at bay by boosting the immune system. If you are already taking plenty of vitamin C and still having trouble staying well try checking out your vitamin D.

Gut Trouble: It appears that probiotics are not the catch all/end all for your overall gut health. Combining some sun exposure with your probiotic or gut health regimen. It may just be what the Great Physician ordered!

Where Do I Find Vitamin D

The first and best choice is the sun as we have mentioned. Our bodies were created to absorb light since we are made in God’s image, and He created the sun which is much like basking in his presence. Some of the foods that are naturally rich in vitamin D: egg yolks, fish, and fish liver oils. Other foods have been fortified in vitamin D: grain and dairy products. Of course natural vitamin D supplements and multivitamins like Reliv are other great places.

Avoid Too Much of a Good Thing

It goes without saying that you can spend to much time in the sun. Everything has its proper balance. If you haven’t been out in the sun in a while, try building up your exposure time.

To Your health,

Jenay Green

Thanks to Amanda Taylor with Soaring Eagle Publications for this article!

Sweet news for improving health

Sweet news for improving health

This delicious fruit can easily be added to a variety of recipes and has a host of amazing benefits for your health. Adding Mangoes to your daily diet is sweet news for improving your health.

Mangoes are high in vitamin C an antioxidant that improves immune function. With cold and flu season coming up this would be a great preventative measure to take. Mangoes are rich in over 20 vitamins and minerals which is known for reducing the risk of disease.

It has been noted that Mangoes have been effective against all cancers but has been the most effective on breast and colon cancers. With the high vitamins, potassium, and fiber content they have also been linked with helping ward off heart disease.

A lot of Americans suffer with digestive issues. Mangoes are great for elimination problems because of the high water and fiber content. The vitamin k has also been linked to a decrease risk of macular degeneration improving eye health.

Improved bone health is also a benefit of consuming mangoes and has a positive effect on your hair, skin, and nails as well. You can use it topically as a mask as well as enjoying it in your diet for radiant skin.

For those looking to lose weight mangoes should be a part of your weight loss arsenal. Mangoes are rich in fiber that will not only cause you to feel fuller longer but helps in calorie burning. Mangoes are nutrient dense as well as low calorie.

If your like me and the years have not improved your memory the glutamine acid found in mangoes helps keep cells alive and boost memory. It also is named the love fruit as it can increase vitality in men.

Mangoes are rich in iron for those who are suffering with anemia. They also help alkaline the body which is important as a vast majority of the foods and drinks we are consuming are very acidic.

Mangoes are low glycemic. You can also boil the leaves of the mango and let them soak over night to make a tea that helps regulate insulin.

Recipes for adding mangoes to your daily diet

Sunrise smoothie

1 c  mango chunks                                                                                                               1/2  banana                                                                                                                                1 tsp lime juice                                                                                                                          1/4 tsp fresh grated ginger                                                                                                        2 tsp raw honey                                                                                                                        2 c seedless watermelon chunks

Early morning energy smoothie

2 c frozen mango chunks                                                                                                         1 c coconut milk                                                                                                                        1 tsp protein powder                                                                                                                 3 to 5 kale leaves                                                                                                                       1/2 frozen banana

You may also add a mango salsa to fish, chicken, or bean recipes as well using mangoes in a regular salad for a sweeter taste.

I hope you learned something new today that will inspire you to get on the path to healthier you. Please join the conversation by adding your comments at the bottom of this article and sharing this information with others. To your health,

Jenay Green

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