How to stay fit during the holidays

                                           How to stay fit during the holidays

How to stay fit during the holidays is a challenge we all have to face. Here are a few tips to keep you on track this year!  With all the festivities it is easy to find an excuse to eat anything and everything. The Christmas season is only once a year so I should enjoy it right? This is true, you should enjoy it, but go ahead and set some parameters.

 Planning ahead is a key to staying fit during the holidays. When you know you will be attending a holiday party plan light meals for the rest of the day. A protein shake for breakfast and a big salad for lunch. Make sure that you eat a little something before you attend, because if you are starving you will overeat!

Plan ahead to get a good workout or some kind of physical activity in during the day. Even if you take a 20 minute power walk or do some squats and push ups. Do not use not having time as an excuse to do nothing at all. We are all busy this time of year so if you miss a workout here or there do not let that get you discouraged to wait until after the holidays to get back on track.

I hear people say, I will start at the first of the year and then become sedentary and overeat throughout December. I have done the same thing and it is just an excuse! Today decide that you will not gain that 5 to ten pounds over the holidays. Be determined to stay fit this Christmas season. If you are working out and eating clean most of the time the occasional treat will not hurt you.

Make this a Christmas to remember! The motivation of staying fit during the holidays should be about your health. Being healthy and feeling good equips you to be a blessing to others and serve!

If you have any tips on staying fit during the holidays please comment below. To your health,

Jenay Green

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