When Exercise Is The Last Thing You Feel Like Doing

When exercise is the last thing you feel like doing

So what do you do when exercise is the last thing you feel like doing? This is hard, friends, I know from personal experience when you don’t feel well it is not easy to make yourself workout.

When you wake up with vibrant energy and are healthy it can be fairly simple to go for a jog, a walk, or hit the gym,right? On the other hand, if you feel tired, sluggish, or are hurting in your body it may be the last thing you feel like doing.

A catch 22. You think, I will exercise when I feel better, but to feel better you need exercise. I suffered from Adrenal Fatigue and exercise was the last thing I felt like doing, trust me. The thing I had to realize was walking was the best exercise for me in this season.

Sometimes we get caught up in what others say that exercise looks like and if we don’t achieve that it may make us feel defeated.Let me tell you something, that is a lie! Anything you do to get yourself moving in any way is progress,friends.

Change the way you think! 

Start renewing your mind to think that you are able to change and that each step in the right direction is a victory. Don’t conform to what others opinions are of you or what they think working out is. People are not in your shoes, and therefore have no IDEA of what you are personally going through or what challenges you may be facing.

Confess where your going, not where you are!

Start declaring over yourself that you are going to take care of this body God blessed you with. Pray for strength to be a good steward and for wisdom about what type of exercise you need for the place you are in today. God knows, he sees all, therefore who better to ask?

Find a reason beyond yourself, and keep those goals in plain view!

  1. Be a better servant unto God
  2. Be a stronger wife and mother
  3.  More energy to enjoy my kids
  4. Live longer to enjoy grandchildren
  5.  More productive in my job
  6. An example for others
  7. Teach my children discipline over their body
  8. (You fill in the blank)

Make a decision to start today!

You are the only one who can decide to make it happen, it is up to you. Focus on what you can do today and do it! Whether it is as simple as a walk down your driveway,or a walk through the park, a bike ride, or just lifting your arms over head(if your are unable to get up) just do it!

Small steps can lead to big change if you are consistent. Each day celebrate your success! Subscribe to this blog and I will send you my FREE e-book, “Best Trainer Tips Revealed” for more encouragement and easy at home workouts!

Comment below if you would like to add to the conversation and share if this helped you in any way.

To Your Health

Jenay Green

Motivation for working out.

Motivation for working out?

I know how you feel. Some days it is all you can do to get through the day. To accomplish your daily tasks.

Do you put off workouts until you are overwhelmed or tired? Sometimes it is such a catch 22. You know you will feel better if you work out, but you think I don’t FEEL like working out.

Sometimes the thing we feel like doing the least is actually what will help us the most.I do believe that we all need encouragement from time to time and in some seasons more than others.

If you are in that place right now where the excuses are piling up and your workouts seem to stay on the backburner then my goal is to help you!

First of all ,the same thing does not work for everyone, so don’t try to be like your  friend. If someone seems to be able to find two hours to spend at the gym a day if that is not feasible for you. You need to find something practical that works for you and fits your lifestyle.

Decide ahead of time how much time a day you can carve out for exercise. Do you have 20 min, 30 min, 45 or an hour? This will depend on your schedule. Then make the decision whether or not you will work out at home or in a gym setting.Put it on your calendar.

Some people thrive in a gym setting and others not so much. You are an individual and need to find out what makes you tick. Do you enjoy outdoors or indoor workouts? Are you a morning or evening person?

If you know already that you are too tired after your day to exercise in the evening then go ahead and plan on doing it first thing in the morning before everything else.

I know we all have good intentions, but I for instance am a morning person and if I do not work out first thing no matter how much I plan on doing it later, 9 times out of 10 it NEVER happens.

Find an activity you enjoy. This is a key to consistency.If you enjoy what you are doing then it is fun rather than a chore. I use my walking in the morning as a time to pray, reflect, and have time to myself. With four boys, I cherish that quiet time to myself to rejuvenate.

If you are more motivated when you have a buddy to keep you accountable then go ahead and find someone with the same schedule to meet and workout. This can be great, you are helping someone else and it helps you in the process!

One thing I can tell you is that you will always feel better after a workout. I have never regretted working out, but I have many times regretted not working out. If you need some simple at home workouts check out this post.

Planning ahead and making exercise a priority is a must or you will always find excuses to put it off. Be sure to share below by commenting what tactics have helped you stay encouraged to work out.

To your health,

Jenay Green


Tips to beating the winter blues!

Tips to beating the winter blues!Tips on beating the winter blues

Whether you have the occasional blues in the winter or you struggle with depression, try these tips that may help alleviate some of your symptoms. First of all, be sure to talk with someone if you are depressed, because, depression can be very serious and may require attention from a professional. 

Exercise releases endorphins that help lift your mood. This involves any activity that gets your heart rate up! You can play with your family, walk with a friend, or lift dumbbells in your living room. Refer to this article for some simple exercises you can do at home without equipment.

Another tip to beating the winter blues is laughter! Everyone loves to laugh, and as serious adults, we tend to forget to make this a part of our routine. The bible states in Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good like a medicine. Scientific studies have proven today that this is real wisdom that works!

Another tip for beating the winter blues is in getting outdoors and in the fresh air and sunlight.  The vitamin D we get from the sunshine is serious therapy. Dr. Axe has a great article on vitamin D and how in being deficient leads to many illnesses including depression.

Every sunny day, even in the winter, you should take a brisk walk. Doing this with a partner can give you fellowship and laughter at the same time. Encourage someone else and help yourself in the process. Helping others always lifts your mood!

What you think about has a direct affect on your mood. Dr. Caroline Leaf states that research shows 75%-98% of mental, physical, and behavioral illnesses come from your thought life. The bible tells us in Proverbs 23:7 as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Romans 12:2 also tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind.

Our thoughts are a real battle and even though it is a choice what we meditate on, circumstances can make this much more difficult. Try listing all you have to be thankful for, beginning with the simple things that we take for granted daily.

Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep. If you are are having a hard time with sleep, you may be deficient in magnesium, a vital mineral, that has an affect on both sleep and depression.

  Most Americans are deficient in magnesium and our lifestyle choices deplete our levels as well. Stressful situations require more magnesium. Caffeinated beverages cause the body to release extra magnesium. Also, carbonated drinks contain phosphates that flush magnesium out of your system as well.

Refined sugar causes the body to excrete magnesium through the kidneys. With our diets and lifestyle, I would highly recommend a supplement. Several clients I have  worked with have reported feeling better with changing their diet, adding exercise, and supplementation.

If you have any tips for beating the winter blues that have worked for you, please add your voice by leaving a comment below. Help someone today by passing on the information!

To your health,

Jenay Green

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