How to Build a Better Smoothie

How to Build a Better Smoothie008

When building a smoothie, you want to consider a couple of things. You want to get good nutrition and  make it taste great at the same time. These two combinations can be a challenge until you find the right balance.

I love to eat, and I want my food to taste good.I also want to be healthy, but I still want my food to taste good. I have experimented for years with smoothies and will go over a recipe that I really enjoy. I will explain–step by step–how I build a better smoothie/juice.

I have started using a Nutribullet, but you can use whatever device you want that has a powerful enough motor to chop frozen fruit, nuts, and seeds.005Begin with a leafy green as a base.

If you are new to juicing or smoothies, I suggest beginning with spinach. I put about 3/4 of a cup at the bottom of my cup.

Prevention states loading up on leafy greens can help reduce cancer risks. In my book A Battle Plan For Cancer I go over the benefits of adding nutrient dense foods to your diet.

Then use a 1/2 frozen banana, 1/2 cup of pineapple, 1/2 avocado, 1/4 cup raw almonds, 1 tsp chiaseeds or flaxseeds, 1 tsp of cinnamon. Then fill water to fill line and blend until creamy.

I put my bananas in a freezer bag and freeze them. This is a great idea when bananas get ripe. Do not waste them, just peel and freeze them. The avocado makes the consistency very creamy and thick like a milkshake. Here is an article I did on the health benefits of avocado.004

For information on the health benefits of bananas read this. Flaxseeds are a great addition to any smoothie recipe with the host of benefits for your health. They provide omega 3 fatty acids that we lack in our diet. Flaxseeds are a great source of fiber and can assist in removing mucous and toxins from our intestines.

Cinnamon is noted for helping regulate blood sugar as well as many other benefits to our health. Medical News Today states pineapple as the only known source of an enzyme called bromelain that may help alleviate joint pain, arthritis, reduce inflammation, and inhibit tumor growth.

The fiber and water content of pineapple can also help prevent constipation. Not only is pineapple super sweet and makes a smoothie or juice recipe taste fantastic, but is nutritious as well.

I challenge you to replace one meal a day with a super nutritious and delicious smoothie. Report to me in one month the changes you see. I did this myself for a month and saw a reduction in my blood pressure. I lost inches, I gained more energy, and felt a sense of well being.

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To your health,

Jenay Green



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