Tiny Seeds With Explosive Health Benefits

Tiny Seeds With Explosive Health Benefits

If your like me the first time I ever heard the word Chia, was the Chia pet commercials advertised on television. I often wondered since I started eating Chia seeds if it was the same seeds used in those Chia Pets and yes they were.

The Chia seeds were a prized food used by the Aztecs and Mayans. These tiny seeds were known for the great source of energy they provided. “Chia” is the ancient Mayan word for strength.

Chia Seeds are a tiny seeds with explosive health benefits. Chia seeds are one of natures richest antioxidants. One of the many benefits of antioxidant rich foods is slowing down the signs of ageing.

Many of us could stop with that, right?  Antioxidants also may play a role in disease prevention such as cancer and heart disease among providing many other health benefits.

Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber providing 11 grams per once. High fiber diets may protect against type 2 diabetes as fiber is essential for balancing insulin levels.

If you are looking for nutrient dense foods to add to your diet for your weight loss goals Chia seeds are a simple addition.

They keep you feeling full longer, therefore may help with your appetite. Chia seeds are also a great source of plant based protein and can replace some of the nutrients lost in exercise, in addition to preventing dehydration.

Chia seeds are not only noted to help boost metabolism, but may help reduce belly fat as well. They can help regulate bowel movements and promote healthy stool.

A surprise to me was finding out that Chia seeds contain more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon and the best part is they are so easy to add to your diet! Omega 3’s can help lower blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and reduce inflammation.

Consuming a diet high in plant based foods is noted for reducing the risk of disease and supporting overall health.

5 Simple WaysTo Use Chia Seeds

1. Add to cereal, yogurt, or oatmeal.

2. Make your own cereal using your favorite nuts, seeds, and fruits with some almond milk

3. Add to your salads

4. Add to your favorite juice or smoothie recipe

5. Add to any pancake, muffin, or dessert recipes

Be sure to check out Dr. Axe article for further information on the benefits and uses of Chia seeds.

Have you used Chia seeds? If so, share your favorite use for them!

To your health,

Jenay Green

sources: Web MD, Dr, Axe, Medical News Today, Science Daily 2007

photo credit :echiaseeds.com


How to get crazy motivated to work out!

How to get crazy motivated to work out!How to get crazy motivated to work out

You may be thinking, nothing will get me crazy motivated to work out, but I challenge you to read this article and re-think that. Working out has a list of health benefits that are virtually endless.

First of all ,working out decreases risk of heart disease.  February being heart health month this is a great time to do your heart a favor and get moving! Exercise can help lower blood pressure as well as cholesterol. I have known people to have elevated blood pressure and retake it after a workout and it have come down.

One of the biggest complaints I hear from people today is that they have no energy. Exercise will increase your energy levels. I hear people say, I am to tired to exercise, but if you just do it, then you will start to feel better and have the energy to exercise!

Cancer is something we all want to take preventative measures for. Exercise can reduce the risk of certain cancers as well as type 2 diabetes. Alzheimer’s Research Center says exercise is one of the best weapons against the Alzheimer’s.

According to Harvard Medical school psychiatrist, John Ratey, exercise is the single best thing you can do for your brain in terms of memory, mood, and learning. Exercise helps prevent Osteoporosis, reduces the risk of falling, and improves cognitive function among older adults.

A University of California study showed fewer signs of ageing in a group of women who performed 45 minutes of exercise over a 3 day period in compared with those who were inactive. If you were not already convinced for all who want to find ways to defy your age, exercise may be your answer!

Exercise also reduces the detrimental effects of stress on the body. It can help reduce symptoms of depression, in some cases as well as anti-depressants. It can also help relieve anxiety and its symptoms.

For all you married couples, that are looking for a spark in your love life, exercise can improve your sex life! This may be just the answer to get your spouses crazy motivated to exercise!

Exercise improves your moods by releasing  feel good chemicals in the brain. After a good workout you also feel a sense of accomplishment which can spill over into other areas of your life. Discipline in one area of life can result in motivation to get more accomplished in other areas of life as well.

Exercise improves your chances to live longer, and can greatly improve your quality of life. Maybe the most obvious and sometimes the biggest motivation for exercise is weight loss. Exercises raises metabolism, improves muscle tone, and sheds unwanted fat.

Consistency and hard work lead to results! I saved the best reason to exercise for last.The inspiration it can give others!

Getting fit can equip us to be better for those around us. We can be better servants for God, better spouses, parents, employees,etc…. Bottom line focus more on all reasons you need to work out and eliminate your excuses!

I hope you are crazy motivated to exercise, and you pay it forward by sharing this article with everyone you know.

To your health,

Jenay Green


Sources; Mayo clinic, Harvard T.H. Chan, U.S. News Health, Web M.D

Health and Beauty Secrets in the Kitchen

Health and beauty secrets in your kitchen

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Lets be honest, we all want to look and feel better right? Women are always looking for ways to get healthier, loose a few pounds, and look younger. We are what we eat. I believe health and beauty begins internally by what we put in our bodies.

According to a press release by market watch the anti aging industry is to hit 271 billion by 2024. Seems as if people are in a contstant search of that fountain of youth. A lot of us have loads of products that we spent money on hoping to find that miraculous health or beauty product only to be disappointed.

I have always searched for the very best health and beauty secrets not only for myself,but for the women I help. I have also been on a budget so have been unable to use expensive methods, therefore I have searched for creative ways to get similar results.

Eliminating chemical filled products has helped my skin more than anything as well as eating a healthier diet. Think about the fact that your skin is the largest organ and you are absorbing what you put on it.. So in essence what you eat effects the health of your skin, and what you put on your skin effects your health..

Fruits and veggies contain a lot of water which we also can not live without and is vital to our overall health as well as the health of our skin.

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You will get omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin c, antioxidants that are all fabulous for your health and skin. I have seen improvements in my skin after using this great nutrition.

Health and beauty secrets from your kitchen may be just the answer you have been searching for to get amazing results without breaking the bank. I have found that a mask with raw honey leaves my skin feeling fantastic. Try baking soda as a scrub for exfoliating dead skin..

Another great health and beauty secret from your kitchen is raw apple cider vinegar. Be sure to dilute it with water or it will burn. About half and half is good works well for me.

Coconut oil is another one of my favorites that leaves my skin feeling like a babies and smells fabulous at the same time. Try incorporating some of these health and beauty secrets from your kitchen in your diet as well as using them on your skin and let me know in 6 weeks if you see a difference.

Be sure to comment and share! To your health,

Jenay Green

References : Web MD/ Dr. Josh Axe website/ Market Watch




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