3 amazing healthy salad recipes

3 Amazing healthy salad recipes 001

I know you want to eat healthier, and like the rest of us, you want your food to taste great as well. If you eat a lot of salad already that is fantastic, but I know you get bored of the same thing all the time, so I am going to show you 3 amazing healthy salad recipes.

Finding ways to get enough vegetables can be a challenge, I know, but there is no better way to get a variety of vegetables in your daily meals than in salads. You may be surprised by this, but there are plenty of salads that are not healthy.

If you are drowning your salads in dressing, croutons, cheese,, etc you may be surprised how many calories you are taking in. You want your calories to come from nutrient dense foods that nourish your body. I don’t know about you, but if I am going to load up on calories, give me a cheeseburger and some fries!

Eating a salad everyday is a great way to get your vegetables, help with weight loss, and improve your health. Enjoy these recipes and remember eating healthy is supposed to be fun and taste good!

I always cut all the veggies up into really small pieces, I like my salads better that way. Take the time to make a big salad like this and eat on it for the next few days. Take a whole lemon and squeeze it over the salad and it will keep fresh longer.

The dressing amounts is for an individual salad. I am not big on exact measurements, I add to my liking, so If you want more of a certain vegetable and less of another that is fine.

 Strawberry pecan salad.

The base of this salad is spinach. Then load up veggies. Add 2 carrots,1 cucumber,1/2 cup onion,2 raw garlic cloves minced, 2 stalks celery, 1/2 cup broccoli, 1/2 cup gorgonzola cheese, strawberries, 1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, and 2 teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar. I cut my veggies up into really small pieces.

Greek feta salad

The base of this salad is mixed greens. Then add 2 carrots, 1 cucumber,broccoli, 3 raw garlic cloves minced, 2 celery stalks, 1/4 cup onion, 1/2 cup of feta, and olives to your liking. Then use the olive oil and raw apple cider vinegar for dressing.

Avocado salad

The base of this salad is spinach. Load all your veggies as before but this time add green or red bell pepper, jalapeno pepper to your liking and an avocado. Add black beans. Add a tablespoon of ground chia seeds. This time use salsa as your dressing. Either make homemade or find a brand without sugar.

These are 3 amazing salads that not only taste great, but are good for you. Be sure to leave a reply if you have any questions or anything to add. If you found this information helpful then please share!

5 simple steps for safe weight loss

5 simple steps for safe weight lossfitness-woman-drinking-water-beach-running-thirsty-sport-runner-resting-taking-break-bottle-drink-outside-31969906

If you are like most people, you are always looking for a way to drop a few pounds, right? If you are still looking for that magical solution that does not require some hard work and patience on your part, then let me know when you find it!

If you have seen, heard, and tried every fad diet that has crossed your path, then you are like millions of other women! I know you want to look good and be healthy, so here are 5 simple steps for safe weight loss.

1. Increase lean muscle mass

Have you ever noticed how most men drop weight so much faster than Women? No fair, right? Well, they generally have much more muscle mass. Muscle burns fat.

So increase your lean muscle mass and you will shed weight. Do not be afraid of lifting light weights, or simulating activities that will give you a little muscle.

2. Decrease your calorie intake

A safe way to decrease your calorie intake, is by omitting some of the sugary empty calories and adding nutrient dense foods like fresh vegetables,nuts, seeds, and fruits.

It is not about starving, but eating the right type of calories. If you pay attention to your calorie intake for a few days, you may be surprised how many calories you are taking in including drinks.

So drinking water instead of sodas, juices, and teas will reduce your calorie intake greatly.

3. Find ways to be more active

Find an activity you enjoy that will get your heart rate up and your sweat on! Not only is this a healthy way to lose a few, but your body releases endorphins that will make you feel good as well!

4. Never starve or diet!

Yes, diet is a four letter word! When you think diet, you feel dread right? Or maybe, you feel like you are missing out?

Sometimes it just puts you in a really bad mood doesn’t it? You do not want to feel deprived, I know, no one likes to feel that way!

A lifestyle change and finding fun healthy recipes and desserts is the way to go .Focus on including the healthy foods you love and finding great recipes rather than focusing on what you can not have.

When you start learning the ways to enjoy healthy foods, then you start crowding out the foods that are not so good by default.

5. Make it about more than you!

Set goals for your weight loss based on how this will improve your health for the benefit of others, then you will have more lasting success.

Just start writing down all the ways losing excess weight will improve your life and make you more efficient in all your duties.

I will be a better Mother, because I can start playing with my kids more. I will be healthier and a better example to my family.

I can be a better wife, because I will have more energy to spend time with my husband. I can be an example to others. If I reach my goals, it will help them believe they can too!

Every decision begins with a thought, so you have to make a decision to take action. Stop and think,how you view the idea of weight loss?

Does it seem impossible to you? Then it will be. First you have to believe that you can! Then make decisions every day that will take you closer to your goal.

Pray for the help to renew your mind and have a healthy mindset towards weight loss and a right attitude.

I challenge you to apply these 5 simple steps for healthy weight loss for the next 90 days and to share your results with me!

To your health,

Jenay Green



How to Build a Better Smoothie

How to Build a Better Smoothie008

When building a smoothie, you want to consider a couple of things. You want to get good nutrition and  make it taste great at the same time. These two combinations can be a challenge until you find the right balance.

I love to eat, and I want my food to taste good.I also want to be healthy, but I still want my food to taste good. I have experimented for years with smoothies and will go over a recipe that I really enjoy. I will explain–step by step–how I build a better smoothie/juice.

I have started using a Nutribullet, but you can use whatever device you want that has a powerful enough motor to chop frozen fruit, nuts, and seeds.005Begin with a leafy green as a base.

If you are new to juicing or smoothies, I suggest beginning with spinach. I put about 3/4 of a cup at the bottom of my cup.

Prevention states loading up on leafy greens can help reduce cancer risks. In my book A Battle Plan For Cancer I go over the benefits of adding nutrient dense foods to your diet.

Then use a 1/2 frozen banana, 1/2 cup of pineapple, 1/2 avocado, 1/4 cup raw almonds, 1 tsp chiaseeds or flaxseeds, 1 tsp of cinnamon. Then fill water to fill line and blend until creamy.

I put my bananas in a freezer bag and freeze them. This is a great idea when bananas get ripe. Do not waste them, just peel and freeze them. The avocado makes the consistency very creamy and thick like a milkshake. Here is an article I did on the health benefits of avocado.004

For information on the health benefits of bananas read this. Flaxseeds are a great addition to any smoothie recipe with the host of benefits for your health. They provide omega 3 fatty acids that we lack in our diet. Flaxseeds are a great source of fiber and can assist in removing mucous and toxins from our intestines.

Cinnamon is noted for helping regulate blood sugar as well as many other benefits to our health. Medical News Today states pineapple as the only known source of an enzyme called bromelain that may help alleviate joint pain, arthritis, reduce inflammation, and inhibit tumor growth.

The fiber and water content of pineapple can also help prevent constipation. Not only is pineapple super sweet and makes a smoothie or juice recipe taste fantastic, but is nutritious as well.

I challenge you to replace one meal a day with a super nutritious and delicious smoothie. Report to me in one month the changes you see. I did this myself for a month and saw a reduction in my blood pressure. I lost inches, I gained more energy, and felt a sense of well being.

If you found this useful, be sure to leave a reply below and share this information with others!

To your health,

Jenay Green



Quick tips for fasting

Quick tips for fastingquick tips on fasting

At the beginning of the year a lot of people choose to break bad habits and begin healthy ones. Fasting is a commonly known practice dating back to biblical times.Fasting is done for a variety of reasons including, to discipline ourselves. I believe God has miraculous benefits in mind with fasting.

The thought of fasting can seem scary for a lot of people, especially who may not have any experience with it. A fast is something I believe you should pray about personally to get direction on why and how. Make sure before you begin fasting that you have a plan outlined. This will help you to not give up or divert from the original plan.

Another quick tip is to establish the type of fast you will be doing and why. The Daniel fast is a common fast. In the book of Daniel you can read beginning in chapter 1:8&12 Daniel had only pulse and water for ten days according to scripture. This would consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and water. This is a great fast to begin with.

Another type of fast is juice only. A quick tip for beginning a fast is to begin cutting out caffeine, processed foods, and sugar to make the detoxification process more subtle. When coming off a fast you should gradually add foods back to your diet and chew your food well. A juice only fast should consist of fresh juiced fruit and vegetables. This is fresh raw food in its most assimilated form.

Genesis 1:29 “And God said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree , in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed: to you it shall be for food.”Raw foods are considered the healing force in our diet, because they contain active enzymes, which are broken down when foods are cooked.

With the juice only fast, the body is cleansing more aggressively, which can result in greater detox symptoms. This is normal and the more intense the cleansing the greater the discomfort can be.Better out than in, but the toxins coming out can be an unpleasant experience.

If you are working and do not have the time to juice the vegetables fresh you can either juice them before leaving and keep them refrigerated or you can purchase a v-8 juice that is low sodium, not v-8 splash( it is not the same). Another option is the green goodness by bolthouse farms that can be purchased in almost any grocery store. These store bought options should be limited and water should be your primary drink when fasting.

Green leafy vegetables, beets, cucumbers, cabbage,and carrots are some great for juicing with some cleansing benefits. Cabbage is particularly helpful if you have colon issues, constipation, and indigestion. I hope these quick tips for fasting are helpful. Always drink plenty of water when fasting. Please add any information you have found helpful with fasting in the comments below.

To your health,
Jenay Green

How to improve health with Pumpkin

                                        How to improve health with Pumpkin

If you are looking for a variety of foods to add to your diet to improve health pumpkin is a great addition They are in season and can be used in many different recipes. Pumpkins are rich in a host of vitamins and minerals that contribute to improved health.

Pumpkins are rich in disease fighting antioxidants.  For radiant skin not only can you ad pumpkin to your diet but it can be used as a mask on your face.

Pumpkins contain a high level of vitamin c which is great for helping protect yourself against the cold and flu season. Pumpkins may also play a role in cancer prevention. With the fatty acids that pumpkin seeds contain as well as them being free of saturated fat and cholesterol they are a heart healthy food.

If you are looking for more energy pumpkin may be just what you need.They have more energy fueling potassium than bananas. For athletes after a hard workout they help restore the bodies electrolytes.

Great news for those looking to add some variety of foods to your weight loss arsenal. Pumpkins are very low in calories as well as high in dietary fiber. The high fiber content will keep you feeling full longer, not to mention the host of nutrients your body is receiving to boost health.

Looking to add more protein?  Pumpkin seeds are a concentrated source of protein. Pumpkins are rich in minerals that are important in improving overall health. Pumpkins are also rich in carotenoids which gives them the bright orange hue.. They are also known for improving the health of your eyes.

Pumpkins seeds also contain an amino acid that is important in production of serotonin. Serotonin plays a role in our moods as well as our sleep. If you have better sleep you will be in a better mood anyway, but good sleep is an important element in maintaining overall health.

Ways to add pumpkin to improve Health

1. Energy boosting smoothie
blend pureed pumpkin with a protein powder, coconut milk and chia seeds.

2. Satisfying trail mix
add raw pumpkin seeds to cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds, raisins or dates and a little sea salt.

3. Salad topper
add raw pumpkin seeds to any salad

4.Roasted vegetable medley
add chunks of pumpkin to your favorite vegetables and roast them cover with olive oil and your favorite spices

5.Roasted pumpkin seeds
cover baking sheet with pumpkin seeds sea salt and olive oil

If you have any great recipes or ideas to add pumpkin to your diet please join the conversation and leave a reply below. To your health,

Jenay Green

Want riches for your health?

Want riches for your health?

I titled this video blog Riches for your health, because this single product produces amazing health benefits.

By consuming raw apple cider vinegar on a daily basis is a great way to have riches for your health.

Bragg has made it so simple for us to have plenty of great ways to incorporate this product into our every day diet. If you have struggled with the taste or smell being to strong we may have your answers in this video.

Click on link here to purchase the products we reviewed in this video. Some of the Bragg products can also be found at your local grocery or health food store.

If you have tried any of Bragg products and would like to add a comment about your favorite way to consume raw apple cider apple cider vinegar to your diet for your health leave a comment below.

To your health,

Jenay Green

5 simple at home exercises

10 Simple at home exercises

If your like most people you are looking for ways to improve your health. In our fast pace world we all feel as if we do not have enough time in our day. Finding the time to exercise is one of the main complaints I here from clients.

I am a busy wife and mom of four and know this personally. Being a trainer and nutrition coach I am still looking for the solution. You just have to fit it in where you can. These are 10 simple exercises you can do at home on a tight schedule.


Squats are easily one of the  best simple exercises you can do at home. You are using the largest muscle therefore burning more fat. You can use your own body weight and just do them until your legs are on fire. You will build lean muscle mass and burn more calories around the clock. It does not take long and squats get the job done.You can do them while brushing your teeth, watching your T.V. show, or outside watching your kids play.

2. Push-ups

Push-ups also involve large muscle groups and you take care of toning the upper body with this one simple at home exercise. You can do these at any fitness level. Beginners can start on a wall, on a counter, or on your knees on the floor. If you want to find a fun way to get the whole family involved make it a competition. This always motivates my boys if I make it a game.


These are calorie burners and can quickly turn into a simple at home exercise to a heart raising workout. You can use your own body weight and can either do these in place or walk across the floor.Make sure your knees are lined up with your ankles and do not come beyond or you will put to much pressure on the knees.

4. Wall sits

Wall sits are a super simple at home exercise. Find a spot on your wall and sit with legs in a 90 degree angle, keeping knees aligned over ankles. If you are more advanced or want to make it more challenging bring one leg out at a time so you are supporting all your weight on one leg.

5. Crunches

These are old school and you may have other exercises you find more effective or challenging engaging your core, but they are a simple at home exercise that does the trick. You can do lots of variations and make sure you are not using your neck that you pull from your core and just use arms behind head for support but not for lifting.

Just find ways to fit in exercise .Doing 5 or 10 minutes here and there is better than doing nothing at all.. Be sure to comment and share any simple at home exercises you love. Picture provided by Ky3.com

To your health,

Jenay Green

Wanted: Healthy Eating Habits

Wanted: Healthy eating habits

this way to healthy eating habits
The older I get the more important it is for me to have healthy eating habits. As a personal trainer I know exactly what I should eat. Knowing it and doing it are two entirely different things right?

I can say the more I focus on the benefits of healthy eating and the more I read and research the more excited I get about eating healthy. I would challenge you to really study all the amazing benefits of healthy eating. My motto is to eat food as close to the way that God put it here as possible. So fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts are a great choice.

If you are the person that feels like diet is a four letter word (which it is) like me then you may feel as if you have failed every time you have tried to change your diet. It is not the person who falls that fails it is the one who quits.As long as you never quit you never fail!

Also some of the biggest success stories I have heard are the people who have experienced the most setbacks. They learned from mistakes and kept growing and improving along the way. So I never go on a diet because diets always have a beginning and an ending. What I work towards is lifestyle changes and forming healthy eating habits.

One thing that has worked for me is planning ahead. if I know what I am eating for the week then I am less likely to detour. I also keep the unhealthy foods that tempt me out of sight. This works great as long as you can also keep them out of your mind, because if you allow yourself to think about a food long enough you will just go get it.

Give yourself a day or meal to cheat and have something you have been wanting, this actually helps me stay on track knowing I give myself a little breathing room. This may be something you do after reaching specific health and weight loss related goals.

nutriton blogging

Start reading labels. This is a big one. Do not be fooled by a food labeled healthy. A lot of the time these foods have artificial sweeteners or added sugar so get good at reading ingredients. If you can not pronounce it, have no idea what it is, or it has a list so long  you don’t have the time to read then I suggest not eating it. A healthy snack bar that is a treat for rewarding yourself are the Kind bars. The sea salt and dark chocolate is my favorite.

Remember this is a journey and forming healthy eating habits does not happen over night. Do not get frustrated! Keep going in that direction of improved health and see yourself there. Get that mental picture of you succeeding and reaching your healthy eating goals not only for you, but the example you can be for your family.

You have no idea how many people you may inspire by having a testimony and leading by example. I work on this everyday in all aspects of life. God has called me to encourage others and share my progress as well as my struggles.  If this information has helped let me know by commenting and sharing.

To your health,

Jenay Green



Simple Steps to Weight Loss

I know what your thinking, simple steps to weight loss does not exist! You might even say its crazy hard! As a personal trainer I have personally explored an endless number of ways to lose weight. I will share what has worked for me in my experiences.

I worked in my first health club at 19 and owned my own health club by the time I was 30. I have continued this journey ever since. I not only have wanted to maintain a healthy weight for myself, but have also loved helping others achieve their weight loss goals.

I can say that sometimes the more I would obsess about it the harder it would be. If restrictions are always on your mind it can put you in such a bad mood. I have found that the way I think about something plays a huge role on success or failure in that area.

So first of all you have to know that making simple steps to weight loss on a consistent basis will bring lasting results. Be thankful that you have the ability to walk and that you can make these changes.

5 simple steps to weight loss

1. Never starve.  Eat for fuel and energy
2. Find ways to move more. Take the stairs, park far away at the store and play games with family
3. Add lean muscle mass. Push-ups/ squats using large muscle groups helps burn more fat
4.Add lean protein to your meals. Assists in building lean muscle and increasing metabolism for weight loss
5..Drink lots of water. A glass before each meal will help you feel more full.

I challenge you to apply these steps for 90 days and let me know where you are at that time. Remember to believe in yourself and know that you can do it. You are looking for lasting results and lifestyle changes to become a healthier and happier you! To your health!

If you have found any of these ideas helpful please leave a comment and share with your friends.

Jenay Green

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