What Does Healthy Look Like For You?
In today’s society we are bombarded with images and ideals of what we as women should look like according to the media. A lot of these models that are featured on the cover of the latest magazines are not always a healthy weight for everyone.
Not only are they airbrushed and made to appear as if they have no flaws, which is a complete fantasy. It can make women feel as if this is a standard we all should live up to.
The question we all need to ask ourselves is,” what does healthy look like for me”? For each of us, it may be very different in our appearance and that is o.k.! As we get older we realize that our health is what really matters. Not what size we are or how we look in our jeans.
I have found over the years as a trainer that there are skinny women that are unhealthy as well as a little larger women that are much healthier. I encourage you to get rid of unrealistic ideals. Do not beat yourself up or compare yourself to others!
Feeling good and investing in your health at whatever level you can at this stage of life is what matters. Don’t place a pressure on yourself that will frustrate you or make you want to quit. This is a lifelong journey not a sprint! Your goals to live a healthier lifestyle should not stress you out, but be a way to relieve stress.
If your goal is to be as healthy as you can for yourself, your family, your job, etc,..then finding ways to improve your heath and feel as good as you can is a great goal. Age, lifestyle, finances, environment can all play a role in affecting what you can do at the stage you are in life.
I always tell clients to keep it simple.Eat the foods the closest to the way God put them here. Don’t overeat(the sin of gluttony), take a sabbath(day of rest) and find ways to get outside to get fresh air, sunshine, and exercise.
Accept that we are all made different with a variety of shapes and sizes and that is beautiful! Then instead of comparing ourselves to anyone else love and embrace the healthy you whatever that looks like!
To your health,
Jenay Green