The key to lasting results from exercise

The key to lasting results from exerciserunning-573762__180

How to get lasting results from exercise may seem like an obvious answer, keep working out, duh! Well as easy as that may sound putting it into practice everyday can be a challenge.

I know we all want to find that one exercise that when we do it(whatever that is) we get some magical weight loss or toned hard body in only ten minutes a day.

If we focus too much on the weight loss we can get discouraged quickly and sometimes that drives us to put expectations on ourselves that we can’t keep long term.

I am sure if that was possible we would stand on our head or do whatever it took in just 10 minutes a day to get that desired result, right? Exercise can be hard work, I know and it can seem like a four letter word for some.

When you think about exercise, do you just get tired thinking about it? Do you find every reason in the world to talk yourself out of it? Does dread and a big sigh come along after you think about how to get a workout in for the day?

If you answered yes to all these questions, then it is time to change your mindset about working out, and to find something you love doing! Think about this, when you were a kid what excited you?

Being outdoors, riding bikes, walking through trails, shooting hoops,playing sports, swimming? We all had things that we did as kids, that got our heart rate up and we had a blast doing it, right?

 It was no chore to sweat and play with our friends for hours was it? You were burning so many calories it may have been hard to keep weight on. This is my challenge for you today my friend. Think about what type of playing (exercise) you can do as an adult?

If you have to, then try something different every week or day(depending on your time) until you find something you love. It will be worth it! Runners, love to run. I do not like running, therefore I have never been committed to it for any length of time.

 If you are not enjoying the activity, but doing it out of pure self will then it just won’t last. This is the key to get lasting results from your exercise is to find something you enjoy and have the mindset of playing, pleasure, and enjoyment.

No matter how good your intentions, when it comes to exercise, you will be much more likely to have lasting results if you enjoy what you are doing.

Sure there will be days when we just have to discipline ourselves to get some sort of a workout, but finding something you love will help you look forward to it and have some fun as well as being committed and consistent.

Please leave a reply if you have any suggestions of  an exercise that you find fun and that you look forward to.

Stay encouraged friend there is something out there you will enjoy and it will be the key to lasting results!

To your health,

Jenay Green

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