Health and Beauty Secrets in the Kitchen

Health and beauty secrets in your kitchen

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Lets be honest, we all want to look and feel better right? Women are always looking for ways to get healthier, loose a few pounds, and look younger. We are what we eat. I believe health and beauty begins internally by what we put in our bodies.

According to a press release by market watch the anti aging industry is to hit 271 billion by 2024. Seems as if people are in a contstant search of that fountain of youth. A lot of us have loads of products that we spent money on hoping to find that miraculous health or beauty product only to be disappointed.

I have always searched for the very best health and beauty secrets not only for myself,but for the women I help. I have also been on a budget so have been unable to use expensive methods, therefore I have searched for creative ways to get similar results.

Eliminating chemical filled products has helped my skin more than anything as well as eating a healthier diet. Think about the fact that your skin is the largest organ and you are absorbing what you put on it.. So in essence what you eat effects the health of your skin, and what you put on your skin effects your health..

Fruits and veggies contain a lot of water which we also can not live without and is vital to our overall health as well as the health of our skin.

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You will get omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin c, antioxidants that are all fabulous for your health and skin. I have seen improvements in my skin after using this great nutrition.

Health and beauty secrets from your kitchen may be just the answer you have been searching for to get amazing results without breaking the bank. I have found that a mask with raw honey leaves my skin feeling fantastic. Try baking soda as a scrub for exfoliating dead skin..

Another great health and beauty secret from your kitchen is raw apple cider vinegar. Be sure to dilute it with water or it will burn. About half and half is good works well for me.

Coconut oil is another one of my favorites that leaves my skin feeling like a babies and smells fabulous at the same time. Try incorporating some of these health and beauty secrets from your kitchen in your diet as well as using them on your skin and let me know in 6 weeks if you see a difference.

Be sure to comment and share! To your health,

Jenay Green

References : Web MD/ Dr. Josh Axe website/ Market Watch




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