I know from personal experience the challenges of healthy eating on a budget. With our family of six and four growing boys it has been a challege at times. I believe in the benefits of healthy eating and have seen the positive affects it has had on my family.
One of the first things I hear people often say is that” I can’t afford to eat healthy”. Then my response is always the same you can’t afford not to. We make choices everyday about how we spend our money and it is truly a reflection of what is important to us.
I have never had any regrets about investing into my families health.It may mean having to do without in other areas, but I believe it will be worth it. After all can you really put a price on good health? So you will have to make that decision.
I would suggest beginning by cutting out bad habits. If you make a trip through a fast food restaurant, coffee shop, or even a gas station for a coke and a candy bar these can be easily traded for extra grocery money and it does add up! Also cutting out junk food at grocery store trips will leave extra room in your grocery budget.
When I buy junk food it goes faster because we overeat and then we run out of food faster. I have found that when my diet is packed with fruits, veggies, nuts, whole grains, lean proteins that I am much more satisfied and do not overeat as often.
Have you ever overeaten vegetables? I believe you will save money for better food choices by eating less when you cut junk food out of your diet.
I also have become a fan of Aldi. Aldi has a good selection of organic foods at a fiar price.I also love Kroger. Their selection, closeouts, and mark downs of natural foods make it worth the trip. I also just have smaller portion sizes when it comes to natural meats.
We overeat in this country anyway. I would rather have smaller portions of the healthy foods than an abundance of packaged,processed,and chemical laden food. These are some of the ways I have been able to have healthy eating habits on a budget. I hope these ideas help and be sure to comment below and pass the information on.
To your health,
Jenay Green