The answer I hear all to often when I ask someone how they have been doing is always the same: they say they’re busy. I know firsthand how true that is because I have a husband and four boys.The demands of every day is sometimes all I can handle. I also realize as a personal trainer the reality of how vital it is to fit exercise into my busy life. The older I get the more I need it.
I also know the importance of living an example for my kids and others to follow, so this becomes as much about my leadership as the effects on my health. With a routine of exercise first thing in the morning I am able to find ways to fit exercise into my busy life.
The thing to remember is consistency is the key to change. Even if you cannot get a 30-minute or an hour workout that is no reason to put it off altogether. Sometimes I just kill two birds with one stone or at least that’s what my grandmother always called it and this is a great way to fit exercise into your busy life.
Turn on some great music. I like praise and worship music, because it pumps my spirit at the same time and motivates me. Dance as you clean house. While you are brushing your teeth do squats or calf raises. While you are checking e-mails or sitting at desk, pull abs in and hold tight then let out and repeat. When you are watching TV use a treadmill or eliptical or stationary bike.
Even if you do not have these you can do push ups, squats, stationary lunges, wall sits or crunches. Take a brisk walk on your lunch break at work or at your kid’s sports practice. Make an afternoon walk a time to talk to your kids about their day or your husband or a friend. Fellowship and go walking hand in hand. I enjoy walking/running and praying. If you have training CDs for your job, listen while you walk or run. These are great ways to fit exercise into your busy life
Another great way to spend time with your kids is to play sports with them, ride bikes, and find activities that involve raising your heart rate. I will put on rollerblades at the same time and watch my little ones ride bikes. As everyone of us know that the benefits of exercise are endless, so are the fun ways to fit exercise into your busy life.. If there is a will there is a way.So instead of finding excuses not to exercise find fun ways to fit exercise into your busy life.
Let me know how you are able to implement some of these ideas by commenting below!
To Your Health,
Jenay Green